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三、复合句(主句+连词+从句) 包含一个主句,一个或一个以上的从句的句子叫复合句。从句从属于主句并充当主句的某一 成分,如主语,表语,宾语,定语,状语等。 1.主语从句 主语从句就是从句作主语。它可作谓语动词的主语,也可作分词的主语。主语从句有三种: (1)由that引导: It is impolite that you talked so loud in the restaurant. 你们在餐馆那么大声音说话是极不礼貌的。 It is a great surprise that she won the champion. 她得了冠军,真是令人惊异。 (2)由what, whatever和whoever等代词引导: What she said just now is correct. 她刚才说的话很对。 What caused the air disaster is under the investigation. 究竟是什么导致了这次空难,正在调查。 Whatever you have seen must be kept in your mind. 不管你看到什么,都要记在心里。 Whoever breaks the world record will get one million yuan as an a ward. 任何打破世界纪录的人将得到一百万元奖金。 (3)由连接副词whether, how, when, why, where引导: When the sports meet will be held isnt decided. 什么时候开运动会还没有定下来。 Whether she can pass the exam is not sure. 她是否能够通过考试还没有把握。 How he arrived there is unknown to anybody. 他是如何到达那里的,没有人知道。 Why the fire broke out here in the workshop remains a mystery. 车间这里为什么会发生火灾仍是个谜。 注意:当主语从句过长而谓语较短时,通常用代词it作形式主语, 而把从句放在句尾。 It remains a mystery that the air disaster took place that day. 那天发生的空难仍然是个谜。 It is uncertain whether well attend the meeting or not . 我们是否参加那个会议还没有确定。 2.宾语从句 这类从句常是这种结构:主句+引导句+从句,从句中始终用陈述语序。 (1)由that引导(通常that可以省略) She is very sure that she can work out the problem. 她确信她能解出这道题。 She told me that she could finish it herself. 她跟我说她可以自己完成这件工作。 (2)由what, who, which等关系代词引导 We dont understand what you said just now. 我们不明白你刚才说的话。 Tell me which you want? 告诉我你要哪一个? Do you know who is the man over there? 你知道那边那个人是谁吗? (3)由how, when, why, where引导宾语从句 They wanted to know when the building would be set up. 他们想要知道这座楼房何时建成。 Will you please tell me how I can get to the park? 请告诉我怎么走才能到公园好吗? I wonder where she is now. 我想知道她现在在哪儿? I dont know why you dislike physics. 我不知道为什么你讨厌物理。 (4)一些形容词之后所接的句子也是宾语从句。这些形容词有:glad, sorry, sure , afraid, worried, angry, aware, confident等。 Im glad that youve helped me a lot. 很高兴你给我这么大的帮助。 We are confident that we can beat them. 我们有信心打败他们。 The father was angry that his son failed to pass the maths exam. 这位父亲对他的儿子数学不及格很恼火。 Im not su


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