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Trouble with the Hubble;Hubble [h?bl] n 哈勃 ;telescope [telisk?up] n.(单筒)望远镜 双筒望远镜 : binoculars [bin?kjul?s] microscope 显微镜 tele 远距离的;远的;电视的 telephone/ telegram(电报)/ television ;launch [l?:nt?, lɑ:nt?] v. ①发射 launch a satellite 发射卫星。 ②开办,创办 launch a new enterprise 创办一个新企业 launch on 开始;着手 launch into/ out 开始从事;投身于 My parents launched me into business. ;space [speis] n. ①太空 spaceman 飞行员,spaceship宇宙飞船 ②空地,空间 The books cover every inch of the floor space. 那些书占据了地板的每个地方。 同义词room n. 空间(不可数);房间(可数) We need to clear away these books to make room for our new students. 我们需要清理这些书本,为我们的新学生腾出地方。 ③时间,一段时间 for a space 暂时,短时间 in space 片刻,一会儿 ;billion [bilj?n]十亿 billionaire n亿万富翁 several billion 几十亿 million [milj?n]百万 millionaire 百万富翁;faulty [f?:lti] adj 有缺点的;不完美的 faulty operation 错误操作 fault n. 错误 I like him despite his faults. make a mistake犯错误 by mistake错误地 I picked up your bag by mistake. 我错拿了你的手提包。;astronaut [?str?n?:t]宇航员 astro 前缀 宇宙的;太空的 astrology 占星术 astronomy [?str?n?mi]天文学 ;shuttle [??tl] n.航天飞机; 梭子;短程穿梭运行的车辆(或火车、飞机等) space shuttle航天飞机 v. 短程穿梭般运送 We shuttled the passengers to the city center by helicopter. 我们使用直升飞机往返不停地将旅客运送到市中心。 shuttle bus 往返的公交汽车 ;endeavor [indev?] n. 努力(attempt,effort, try) Please make every endeavor to arrive in time. 请尽量准时到达 Endeavor “奋进”号 v.努力(比try 更正式) endeavor to do sth努力做某事 They endeavored to make her happy but in vain. ;robot-arm [r?ub?t, -b?t, r?b?t] n. 机器手 robot n. 机器人, 遥控设备, 自动机械, 机械般工作的人 arm n.臂, v. 装备 配备 be armed with=be equipped with Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 arm in arm 臂挽臂 (hand in hand / shoulder by shoulder) ;grab [ɡr?b] v. 紧紧地抓;赶;匆忙地做;抢 The thief grabbed the purse and ran away with it. 这贼猛地一把抓住钱包逃跑了 Dad grabbed some breakfast and went off to work. 爸爸匆匆吃了点早饭就去上班了。 Grab a seat and make yourself at home. 随便找个地方坐,别客气。 ;atmosphere [‘?tm?,sfi?] n ①大气 atmosphe


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