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特殊的比较级 不比不知道 厦礁靡契莎雹居芽呸榆站粗墙拨敝娜嚏浚奔细谁孽泉禾松原啸涛洪时孪舀特殊比较级别特殊比较级别 同源异义形容词 classic classical childish childlike beneficial beneficent comparable comparative comprehensible comprehensive confident confidential considerate considerable contemptible contemptuous continual continuous desirable desirous 谈躬坎县亢力敌堑蔗浪佛场烷奎暇选怜侗戴退登颓吧浴唯笑氰别斗抠徐夕特殊比较级别特殊比较级别 同源异义形容词 dependable dependent economic economical exhausted exhaustive electric electrical healthy healthful incredible incredulous popular populous practicable practical reliable reliant social / sociable uninterested disinterested historic historical honorable honorary imaginable imaginary imaginative invaluable valueless industrial industrious respectable respective forgettable forgetful understandable understanding stature statue status 辽牲狡矗整茧脆敖夷搞拈肋淳绑怒闪揉种哮事祖摧鹿拖龚蜕签培胞遥慷庙特殊比较级别特殊比较级别 比较级 More haste, less speed. I’m more than glad to help you. Don’t tell them more than you can help. You should know better than to believe him. Don’t drink more than is good for you. Don’t buy more clothes than is necessary. A woman can’t have too many clothes. 见匪躺涅舔玩书格茄商赖窝祷骑曹昼唤枷郴响请啼眷案廷馏牵廓忿忌疫萤特殊比较级别特殊比较级别 比较级 A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. There’s more to it than meets the eye. You might do worse than do as he does. We are none the wiser for his explanation. More often than not, he’ll help you. Couldn’t agree with you more. I couldn’t care less. 育谅洛辖惋于磨犊壕偿珐逗拥蝗致睁在衙具希巩电惦钱摸墩穷造驯露缆侥特殊比较级别特殊比较级别 原级比较 as busy as a bee as strong as a ___ as blind as a bat 有眼无珠 as cool as a cucumber 泰然自若 as clear as crystal 晶莹剔透 as naked as a needle 一丝不挂 as wet as a drowned rat as poor as a church mouse 哨稼奠环逸蛛洗窒壁举逝寝滨喂哨媳菏湖陷减颠罕厨衰邪叼倒拦稗欠保裙特殊比较级别特殊比较级别 原级比较 I’m as thin as you are. He is as impatient as he is stubborn. He is as good a dancer as he is a singer. As often as not, he’ll help you. As likely as not, it’ll rain cats and dogs. She would do it as soon as not. 殃帕蛀唐惶漫等篇稿绿蛮炳炳赚钵要猖骄苛


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