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社会话题:如商场偷窃(2004),体育商业化(2002) 教育话题:如儿童择校(2001),大学教育(1997),教学方法(1997), 科技话题:如轻型飞机(1993),昆虫思维(1994), 人物传记;某小说家(1992),个人历史(1996),姓氏溯源(2000) 历史研究:北爱尔兰问题(1992),法国变化(1993) 妇女话题:夫妻关系(2001),家电与妇女(2002) 种族话题:民族矛盾(1998) 自然话题:雪崩(1996),海啸(1997),潮汐(1992) 健康话题:饮酒与心脏病(1995), 经济话题:如瑞士银行(2000),中国经济特区(2004) 二、HYPERLINK /ArticleType.asp?id=0keywords=?阅读理解五种材料  说明文、记叙文、议论文、描写文、应用文 (尤其是新闻报道) 三、题型分析及应对策略 1.主旨类 (1) What is the main idea (subject) of this passage ? (2) What does this passage mainly (primarily)concerned ? (3) The main theme of this passage is ___________. (4) The main point of the passage is__________. (5) Which of the following is the best title for the passage ? (6) The title that best expresses the theme of the passage is ___________. (7) On which of the following subject would the passage most likely be found in a textbook? (8) The purpose of the writer in writing this passage _________. (9) Which of the following best describes the passage as a whole ? 应对策略:跳读(skimming)文章的开头、结尾及段落的首句和尾句。主旨应该是宏观的,但有不能失之空泛。 2.态度类 (1) What’s the writer’s attitude to …? (2) What’s the tone of the passage? (3) The author’s view is _______ (4) The writer’s attitude of .this passage is apparently _________. (5) The author suggests that _________ (6) According to author __________ 应对策略:有的文章观点明确,基调清楚,这时跳读(skimming)文章的开头、结尾及段落的首句和尾句。而另一些则需要HYPERLINK /ArticleType.asp?id=0keywords=?阅读时对某些细节仔细琢磨。尤其应注意有些表明作者观点词汇,如形容词、副词等。 3.细节类 (1) Which of the following is NOT true according to the information in the passage? (2) Which of the following is mentioned in the passage? (3) What is the example of . . . as described in the passage? (4) The author mentions all of the following except . . . (5) The reason for . . .is . . . (6) The author states that . . . (7) According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, etc. ) ... 应对策略:寻读(scanning)出现关键词的相应段落,四个答案中相同的词即为关键词。仔细对比答案与文中相应细节。 4.推理类 (1)The writer implies but not directly states that__________. (2) It can be inferred from the passag


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