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2011年12月沪江英语四级统一线上模考作文Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of “What Makes a Good Teacher”. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.1)好老师要有好的性格,比如耐心。2)好老师要有足够的专业知识。3)好老师应该是学生学习的典范。What Makes a Good Teacher参考范文:Firstly, a good teacher must have a high personal quality such as being patient to the students who have made some mistakes. Nobody can always do something correctly from the beginning. If a teacher punishes the students whenever they make mistakes, they may lose their confidence and be no more enthusiastic of their study.Secondly, a good teacher should always have qualified teaching ability. On one hand, the teacher should be familiar with a broad scope of different knowledge. On the other hand, he should go deep in his own field.Finally, a good teacher should set a good example to his students, and he must love his students and love his career as well. A teachers characteristics will undoubtedly influence his students, especially their attitudes toward life and study. Its more important for a teacher to teach his students how to be an upright person than to teach them plain knowledge. And his attitudes towards teaching will affect the enthusiasm of the students for the study. An impassioned teacher can capture the attention of students; contrarily, nobody can stick out the class taught by an arid teacher.To possess every single quality above is by no means an easy job. A teacher is always known as a soul engineer, and teaching is the most important job of the world and also the most rewarding one.这个模考话题与03年1月的作文“It pays to be honest”类似,不同的是,03年讨论公民应具备的一种品格——“诚实”,公共群体应具备的公共道德素质,而这里讨论教师行业的职业道德素质。不论是公共道德素质还是职业道德素质,这类热点话题,与每个人的生活息息相关,可发散性强,阐发点多,内容并不难写。如何在考场上利用有限的时间将提纲所列要点转化成切中主题的文章,并且还能够简洁行文,言之有物,言之有理,才是难点所在。不同于四级模板作文中“现象解释型议论文”,例文并未罗列有关老师的社会现象,而是直接从老师应具备的素质入手,层层递进。第一段中,Nobody can always…from the beginning,将老师缺乏耐心的危害和影响用一句话概括,明白易懂,有说服力。第二段则巧妙地运用“on one hand… on the other hand”全面地点出


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