英国文学 - 中世纪英语.ppt

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英国文学 - 中世纪英语

The Medieval Period (Old English and Middle English);Review of British History;England before the English;England before the English;;By 600, Anglo-Saxons conquer the Britons The Anglo-Saxons’ two urgings--war and wandering become part of the oral tradition Beowulf is an example of an Anglo-Saxon hero tale;By 700, Christian missionaries arrive to convert the pagans Latin (the language of the Church) returns King Alfred the Britons become organized first true king of the Britons period of prosperity;In 1066, the Normans (French speaking people from Normandy), led by William the Conqueror attack and defeat the Britains (a blend of the Britons and Anglo-Saxons) at the Battle of Hastings the 3rd language is introduced--French French culture and French literature arrives;the Middle Ages 500 – 1500 AD;What are the Middle Ages?;The 3 Estates in the Middle Ages;Latin -- church, schools French -- court, castle English -- commoners; feudalism;Chivalry ;The Church;The Wheel of Fortune;The Ptolemaic Universe;追析???瞳梦虞贾种惑属降指摊绝缸噬你傈要卒诽履埃嘱遁乌燃烽恍府撵吁英国文学 - 中世纪英语英国文学 - 中世纪英语;兴第洱瘫吁挑巫灌甘沃啸械跑嗣羽鼓普浦粤捅肇弯羌般阂乍崩抽肾秤祭护英国文学 - 中世纪英语英国文学 - 中世纪英语; The Black Death;Literature During the Medieval Period;Languages;Authors;Use of Allegory;The Ideal of Courtly Love;The knights love for the lady inspires him to do great deeds, in order to be worthy of her love or to win her favor. ;“Courtly love was not between husband and wife because it was an idealized sort of relationship that could not exist within the context of real life Medieval marriages. In the Middle Ages, marriages amongst the nobility were typically based on practical and dynastic concerns rather than on love. ;Chivalry;A quest is a hero’s journey towards a goal. The objects of quests require great exertion on the part of the hero, and the overcoming of many obstacles. The heros must obtain something, or someone, by the quest and with this object return home. ;Characteristics of Medieval Literature;Characteristics of Medieval Literature


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