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前    言 一般说来,学外语的捷径是先反复熟读基本句型,做到能脱口而出。再辅以多记习语和单词,就学英语来说尤其如此。 熟读英语基本句型是为了熟悉英语的句型结构,在此基础上再继续扩大学习范围,必会收到事半功倍之效。如果不了解英语句型结构,即便多记单词也难于正确理解原文。例如:I found this book easy. 如果译作“我很容易找到了那本书。”就误解了原意。误译原因在于缺乏句型知识。本句句型是“S+V+O+C”(主+谓动+宾+补),正确译法应该是“我发现这本书(内容)很容易。”因为原文既不是“I found the book easily.”也不是什么“I found the easy book.” 下面117个句子已基本将主要英语句型收集在内。有助于高中学生在短期内将它们复习完毕。 Pattern 基本句型 How kind your mother is! What a kind man your father is! This picture is very beautiful, isn’t it? You don’t like cheese, do you? I am enjoying my vacation in Beijing. They were suffering from influenza. I shall be traveling in America about this time next month. I have already finished my work. He has never been to Shanghai. I have been ill since last Sunday. I have been waiting for you for two hours. I had reached the inn before it got dark. We had never met him till then. He had been ill till last Thursday. He said that he had seen me before. My daughter cleans this room every day. This room is cleaned by my daughter every day. His name was not known to the world. We were surprised at the news. This mountain will be covered with snow in winter. I was given a new uniform. A new dress was made for her. The pig was as big as a small cow. Belgium is not so large as France. A rainbow is more beautiful than a picture. Man is the most intelligent of all the animals. The boy who is rowing the boat is Tom’s brother. We came to a shallow river which flowed through the woods. We have a friend whose brother is now studying in Germany. He lives in that white house whose roof you can see over there. Mary is a girl (whom) everybody loves. Is this the watch (which) you bought at the department store the other day? In that box I found something that looked like an old map. The watch (that) he bought was very expensive. He is the tallest man (that) I have ever met. He took out what was in the bag. What I want to do is to make a tour round the world. Mr. Smith, who graduated from Boston His house, which s


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