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A and B are talking about “naked wedding”. A和B都在谈论“裸体的婚礼”。 A explains the meaning of “naked wedding” to B and says it is very romantic for young couples. 一个解释的意思“裸体的婚礼”,说这是B非常浪漫的年轻夫妇。 But B holds that it is unacceptable. 但我认为,这是不能接受的。 A:Hey,B,do you know naked wedding? 嘿,B,你知道裸体的婚礼吗? B:What does it mean? 乙:这是什么意思? A:Naked wedding means that some person who gets married without everything. 答:赤身露体的人结婚意味着有些结婚没有一切。 And I think it is very romantic for young couples. 而且我认为它是很浪漫的年轻夫妇。 The love may be more true. 爱情可能更真实。 B:Oh, I believe you are wrong. 哦,我相信你是错误的。 In my opinion,the wedding needs some material things. 在我看来,婚礼需要一些东西。 It does not mean that your love is fake. 这并不意味着你的爱情是假的。 Because you must feed your baby and make your baby feel more happiness. 因为你必须喂给宝宝和使你的孩子感到更幸福。 So you must be well prepared for your wedding. 因此你必须准备好为你的婚礼。 A:May be you are right. 答:也许你是对的。 Substance is the basis of love. 物质的基础是爱。 Do not you think so? 你不这样认为吗? B:I agree with you. 我同意你的看法。 A and B are good friends. A和B是好朋友。 A finds that B has been in a low mood for several days. 一个发现,B已经在情绪低落的状态好几天了。 B says she is worrying about her sister because she got a serious disease recently. B说她担心她的妹妹,因为她有严重的疾病来了。 A comforts B, offers his help and gives several suggestions for good health. 一个安慰B,提供他的帮助,为健康提出了一些建议。 A:Hey,B,what is wrong with you? 嘿,B,你有什么不妥吗? B:It’s so bad that my sister got a serious disease recently. 天气太坏了,我的妹妹有一个严重的疾病来了。 The disease can’t be cured easily. 不能治愈的疾病很容易。 Now I am very worry about her. 我现在非常担心她。 A:That sounds bad. 答:那听起来不好。 But don’t be so worried. 但是不要这么担心。 I believe that the disease must be cured because it is not incurable disease. 我相信疾病必须被治愈,因为它不是不能医治的病。 Think must be better than you think. 想要比你想象的要好。 B:Thanks,I hope so. 谢谢,我希望如此。 But how can I do now? 但是如何我现在该怎么办呢? A:In my way,people should do more exercise to keep healthy. 答:在我的路上,人们应该多做运动来保持健康。 And you can tell your sister to keep balanced diet. 你可以告


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