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354 V ol. 35 No. 4 2 0 0 9 7 OP T ICA L T E CHN IQ U E July 2009 : 100215 82 ( 2009) 04054 10 3 Mie 散射向前递推连分式算法及其数值模拟 王莲芬 刘光斌 郑重 陈明欢 张林 ( 710025) : M ie M ie M atlab : M ie ; ; ; ; : O436 : A Onwards continued f raction algori thm f or Mi e scattering and numerical simulation WANG Lianfen, LIU Guangbin, ZHENG Zhong, CHEN Minghuan, ZHANG Lin ( P hysics Dep ar tm ent the Seco nd A rtillery Engineer ing Colleg e Xi an 710025 China) Abstract: A new alg orithm of M ie scattering coeff icient is presented for the data overflow . M ie scattering coeff icient is cal culated by direct recursio n w hich can mend the r ecursion f ormula of scatter ing co eff icient and the problem that the data of Bessel function overstep the computer m ax im al data leading to data ov erflow is av oided w hen calculating directly by gaining tw o key function s f orw ard recursion respectively according to the count of continued fraction. Scattering lig ht inten sit y is calculated under t he diff erent particle sizes and refract ive index es the algorithm is r ealized in M atlab. T he r esult s show that the algorithm of improv ed onw ar d co ntinued fraction can calculate the larg er p article s scattering and the im aginar y p ar t of refractive index can not be almost lim ited by analy zing and comp ar ing the simulated result s of tw o arithm etic. Key words : M ie scattering; scattering coeff icient ; onw ard r ecursion; continued fractions; num erical calculation M ie 1


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