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第 26卷 第 4期 哈 尔 滨商 业 大学 学 报(自然科学版) Vo.l 26No. 4 2010年 8月 Journal of Harbin University of Comm erce (Natural Sciences Edition) Aug. 2010 K- 1 2 3 4 马素艳 , 陈明浩,马素娟, 刘真真 ( 1. , 210044; 2. , 150001; 3. , 014045; 4. , 300161) : 研究了模糊数学中K- 凸函数与 K- 义凸函数的有关内容. 介绍了 K- 凸函与 K- 义凸 函数的定义, 证明了 K- 义凸函的几 个等价命题. : L 模糊数; K- 凸函数; K- 义凸函数 : O159 : A : 1672- 0946( 2010) 04- 0436- 03 Definitions and equivalent propositions of K- generalized conve functions 1 2 3 4 MA Su-yan, C EN M ing-hao , MA Su-juan, LIU Zhen-zhen ( 1. Department ofAtmospheric Science, Nanjing Nniversity of Information Science Technology, Nanjing 210044, China; 2. Department ofM athematics, arbin Institute ofTechnology, arbin 150001, China; 3. Dairy Engineering Department, Baotou Light Industry VocationalTechnicalCollege, Baotou 014045, China; 4. GeneralCourses Department, Academy ofM ilitary Transportation, Tianjin 300161, China) Abstract: In the traditionalmathematics, the convex function and the generalized convex function are very mi portant in theoptmi ized theory. This papermainly studies the K- convex functions and K- generalized convex functions in fuzzy. Introduces the definition of K- con- vex functions and K- generalized convex functions, and proves the equivalent propositions of K- generalized convex functions. K ey words:L - fuzzy number; K- convex functions;


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