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2008 6 JISUANJI YU XIANDA IHUA 154 : 1006-2475( 2008) 05-0004-04 1 1 1 2 , , , ( 1. 广东工业大学华立学院, 广东 广州 511325; 2. 东北电力大学信息工程学院, 吉林 吉林 132012) : 递归概念可以在句子中重复派 循环出现对这样的句子推断时, 若为递归概念的每 一个派 部分 引进一个递 归概念来描述, 将推断出多 个与之有相似的产 式结构的递归概念, 同时也构造出一个新文法本文先给出新文法的形 式化构造方法, 证明了新文法与原文法的等价性在文章的后部, 通过实例, 介绍该定理在简化复杂文法推断中的应用 : 上下文无关文法; 递归推导; 文法构造; 文法推断 : TP311. 52 : A A C on structing Theorem of Context-free G ramm ar and App lication in G ramm atical I n ference 1 1 1 2 ZHANG X e-feng , XU L-i j an , LUO Hong-xia, DANG De-y ( 1. H ali College, G angdong Un iversity of Technology, G angzho 511325, China; 2. Instit te of Inform ation Engineering, Northeast Dian li University, Jilin 132012, Ch ina) A b stract: The paper ses several concepts to express the d ifferent segm ents, the rec rsion can repeated ly derive and revolve, there derive new gramm ars thro gh rec rsion which isprovidedw ith the smi ilar prod ction set. So it can getm any conceptsw hich has a smi ilar str ct re to the old concept. A t the sam e tmi e there also get a new gramm ar wh ich owns the new concepts. A t first, the paper gives the form al definition for them ethod to constr ct a new gramm ar mentioned above and has proved the eq ivalence of two gramm ars, then it introd ces the application in pred igesting the comp licated gramm atical inference by sam ples. K ey w ords: context-free grammar; rec rsion ded ce; gramm ar constr ct; gramm atical inference , 0 , , , ,


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