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第39 卷 第4 期 陕西师范大学学报( 自然科学版) Vol. 39 N o. 4 2011 年7 月 Journal of Shaanx i Normal U niversity ( Natur al S ien e Edition) Jul. , 2011 : 2011) 王 伟 ( , , 7 1006 1) : 研究了模糊划分的结构. 以截集为工 证明了一个新的模糊等价关系的经典等价关系表示 定理, 给出了一种由模糊划分产生模糊等价关系的方法. 以模糊控制中使用的模糊划分为背景引 入正规模糊划分和它所诱导的特征映射的概念, 并基于此研究了这种划分诱导的经典等价关系, 得 出了相应的等价类 个数的 一种估计. : 模糊划分; 模糊等价关系; 正规模糊化分 : O144 : A On elementary properties of fuzzy partitions WANG Wei ( Information and Edu ation Te hnology Center, Xian U niversity of Finan e and E onomi s, Xian 710061, Shaanxi, China) Abstract: Systemati ally investigates stru tures of fuzzy partitions. By means of the on ept of ut sets of fuzzy sets a new expr essibility theorem of fuzzy partition via lassi partitions is proved. A method of indu ing a fuzzy equivalen e relation from a fuzzy partition is given. Based on the ommonly used fuzzy partition in fuzzy ontrol, the on epts of nor mal fuzzy partition and the orresponding hara teristi fun tion are defined, and the lassi al equivalen e relation indu ed by normal fuzzy partition and an estimation of ardinality of equivalen e lasses are studied. Key words: fuzzy partition; fuzzy equivalen e relation; normal fuzzy partition MR subject classification: 03E72 , X ; , X . , R X ; , , [ x] = {y (X:x Ry}, P= {[ x] :x , X}, P X . P P (R) . , P= {[ x] :x X} X , X . , R xRy y ([ x] , R X . . R R (P). R (P (R)) = R 1 P (R (P) ) = P. , [ 2] 2 1 X , R: X [ 0, 1] . ,


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