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2 0 0 6 年 2 月 农 业 机 械 学 报 第 37 卷 第 2 期 基于粗糙集和模糊聚类的农机化水平评价方法 郑文钟 何 勇 岑益郎   【摘要】 为科学评价农业机械化发展水平, 在建立农业机械化发展水平评价指标体系的基础上, 利用模糊聚 类方法, 在不同置信水平上对由评价对象组成的论域进行分类, 同时结合粗糙集理论中的知识熵来确定各指标的 权重。该方法从统计数据出发, 避免了主观因素对评价结果的影响, 使评价结果具有相对客观性。实例表明, 评价结 果与实际情况基本一致, 为评价农业机械化发展水平提供了一种新方法。 关键词: 农业机械化 综合评价 粗糙集 模糊聚类 中图分类号: S23 01; F 224 文献标识码: A Study on Eva lua tion M ethods for Agr icultura l M echan iza tion D evelop ing L evel Ba sed on Rough Set Theory and Fuzzy Aggrega tion Zheng W enzhong H e Yong Cen Y ilang (Z hej iang U n iversity ) Abstract A im ing at the sho rtcom ings of cu rren t evaluation m ethods fo r agricu ltu ral m echan ization develop ing level, an evaluation index system con sisting of m echan ized farm ing p ropo rtion , in tegrated en su re of farm ing m echan ization and in tegrated benefit of farm ing m echan ization w as set up on the basis of research resu lts on evaluation m ethods of agricu ltu ral m echan ization and developm en t situation of farm ing m echan ization in Zhejiang P rovince. T hen , a new m ethod fo r the w eigh t of every index w as pu t fo rw ard based on rough set theo ry and fuzzy aggregation theo ry , acco rding to the statistics, the m ethod cou ld rationally allocate w eigh t of every index in term s of every index con tain ing info rm ation in index system. A n exam p le of app lication in Zhejiang P rovince show ed that evaluation resu lts w as basically in acco rd w ith actual situation , and sub jective fact influencing on app raising resu lts cou ld be avo ided. Key words  A gricu ltu ral m echan ization , Com p rehen sive evaluation , R



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