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Corporate Performance Management企业绩效管理
Customer Profile
Cobham sees reporting take off with Infor
Corporate Performance Management
Setting the strategy
The volume of entities owned by Cobham, combined with its plc
status, mean that its senior executive team relies on consistent,
timely access to management information to run the business
and execute its strategy. Every month, Cobhams 55 operating
companies report into the main holding company, but continued
growth and expansion meant that during one recent year, the
company reached a point whereby the capabilities of its
Facts at a glance previous reporting system were being stretched beyond
system limits.
Product: Infor Corporate Performance
Management As a large plc organisation with a strategy to grow organically
Industry: Distribution and through acquisition, the company had certain expectations
Country: USA of what its reports should look like, and what capabilities should
be available in processing and disseminating company
information. Therefore, it had to review its reporting processes
The speed at which information can and systems imminently.
be produced is impress
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