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Education in Finland - SanalKtphane教育在芬兰s
* * * * * * * * * * Students select from 1 to 3 elective minors (to 75 sp) and they can select voluntary courses up to 15 sp. * We have had lots of discussions about the competensies a teacher needs in todays society. One thing is sure. It is not possible to include everything to the study programme and it is not possible to keep everybody happy. EDUCATION IN FINLAND History From the 13th century a part of Sweden In 1809 ceded to Russia as an autonomous Grand Duchy Independent parliamentary democracy since 1917 A member of the EU since 1995 People Population 5.2 million Two official languages: Finnish and Swedish Monetary unit the euro, € Labour force?(2007) Public service 32% Manufacturing 18% Trade 16% Finance and business 14% Transport 7% Construction 7% Agriculture and forestry 5% Wide international interest towards Finnish school system and teacher education: PISA results The specific characteristics of Finnish teacher education Huge amount of applicants in teacher education Equality of education has high priority Education for all Social and regional equality Well-educated parents - promotes motivation Life-long and life-wide learning Pre-school teaching provided at schools and daycare centres Comprehensive school is a compulsory nine-year education for all children Post-comprehensive education is given by general upper secondary schools and vocational schools. Studies provide eligibility for higher education.? Higher education system consists of universities and universities of applied sciences. About 23% of the population have a higher level degree. Adult education is provided widely by post-comprehensive schools, universities of applied sciences polytechnics and universities. The Education System of Finland Work experience Compulsory schooling Specialist vocational qualifications Further vocational qualifications Work experience Basic education Preschool Matriculation examination Upper secondary school Voc
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