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* Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis (1818-65), a Hungarian obstetrician, introduced antiseptic hand hygiene techniques. Semmelweis noted that post-partum women examined by medical students who did not wash their hands after performing autopsies had high mortality rates. He required students to clean their hands with chlorinated lime before examining patients Maternal mortality declined from 12% to less than 1% after this hand hygiene intervention was implemented. After Semmelweis insisted that students and physicians clean their hands with a chlorine solution between each patient, the maternal mortality rate in the First Clinic dropped. Maternal mortality rate in the First Clinic dropped dramatically and remained low for years. This is the first evidence indicating that cleansing heavily contaminated hands with an antiseptic agent between patient contacts may reduce healthcare-associated transmission of contagious diseases more effectively than handwashing with plain soap and water. Lister introduced undiluted carbolic acid directly surgical wounds, using solutions of various strengths and a variety of dressings containing the substance, as well as using carbolic acid to disinfect his hands and surgical instruments. The improvement in patient outcomes was first documented by Joseph Lister Review decline in infection rates. (CLICK) * * * * * * * * 注意事项 脱手套或更换手套后应洗手/或手消毒 戴手套不能代替洗手 诊疗活动结束或手套破损时及不同的病人之间应更换手套并洗手/或手消毒 护理同一个病人,从污染部位到清洁部位,需要更换手套 一次性手套只能使用一次,不能重复使用 * 中国重症监护病房(ICU)医院感染管理指南(2008版) (意见征求稿) 中华预防医学会医院感染控制分会 * 工作人员管理 工作服:可穿着普通工作服进入ICU,但应保持服装的清洁。不建议常规穿隔离衣,但接触特殊病人如MRSA感染或携带者,或处置病人可能有血液、体液、分泌物、排泄物喷溅时,应穿隔离衣或防护围裙。 口罩:接触有或可能有传染性的呼吸道感染病人时,或有体液喷溅可能时,应戴一次性外科口罩;接触疑似为高传染性的感染如禽流感、SARS等病人,应戴N95口罩。当口罩潮湿或有污染时应立即更换。 鞋套或更鞋:进入病室可以不换鞋。但如果所穿鞋子较脏,或ICU室外尘埃明显时,应穿鞋套或更换不裸露脚背的ICU内专用鞋。 * 手卫生:应严格执行手卫生标准。下列情况应进行手卫生:接触病人前、接触病人后、进行清洁或侵入性操作前、接触病人体液或分泌物后、接触病人使用过的物品后。建议酒精擦手液(ABHR)消毒法作为ICU内主要的手卫生方法。当手上有血迹或分泌物等明显污染时,必须洗手。摘掉手套之后、医护操作在同一病人的污染部位移位到清洁部位时,也必须进行手卫生。有耐药菌流行或暴发的ICU,建议使用抗菌皂液洗手。 人员


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