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第四单元 1. 她对上菜市场买菜之类的凡俗之事不感兴趣。(mundane) Mundane matters such as going to the market to buy food do not interest her. 2. 我还记得我那快乐的学生时代。(carefree) I still remember my carefree student days. 3. 在孩子幼年时由于缺少家长养育造成的损害是很难消除的。(undo) It’s very difficult to undo the damage caused by inadequate parenting in a child’s early years. 4. 观众显然为她的表演所陶醉。(be enchanted by) The audience was clearly enchanted by her performance. 5. 威尼斯电影节一直都是展示优秀的意大利电影的盛会。(showcase) The Venice Film Festival has always been the showcase of the Italian cinema. 6. 她因车祸大脑受损,智力退化到一个五岁孩子的水平。(regress to) She suffered brain damage from a car accident and regressed to the mental age of a five-year-old. 7. 小心点,否则他会欺骗你的。(take for a ride) Be careful or he’ll take you for a ride. 8. 她的故事对那些单身旅行的女性来说是一种告诫。(cautionary tale) Her story is a cautionary tale for women traveling alone. 9. 她离开了家园,漂洋过海寻找乌托邦,但是从来都没能找到。(utopia) She left her home and traveled across the sea in search of a utopia, but she never found it. 10. 他的论点的实质是教育应当贯穿我们的一生。(essence) The essence of his argument was that education should continue throughout our lives. 第五单元 1. 很少人像山姆一样流露出如此的自信。(exude) Few people exude such confidence as Sam. 2. 他两次被判犯了纵火罪。(convict of) He has twice been convicted of arson. 3. 经过三年多的侦破,他们终于于上周抓获了那个大毒枭。(baron) After tracking down the drug baron for more than three years, they finally arrested him last week. 4. 由于战争,他们失去了一个正常的童年时代。(deprive of) They were deprived of a normal childhood by the war. 5.银行计划给他们建于30年代的办公楼进行彻底翻新改造。(face-lift) The bank is planning to give its 1930sbuilding a complete face-lift. 6. 节俭的概念对我来说是陌生的。(thrift) The concept of thrift is foreign to me. 7. 顶嘴的孩子被认为是厚脸皮和不懂礼貌的。(talk back) Children who talk back are regarded as cheeky and disrespectful. 8. 刑满释放人员找工作总是很不容易。(do time) Its not always easy to find a job after youve done time. 9. 她已经放弃了对这一项目的所有职责。(abdicate) She has abdicated all responsibility for the project. 10. 冰箱里几乎什么都没有,我怎么凭空给他的六个朋友变出一顿饭来?(conjure up) How am I expected to conjure up a meal for six of his frie


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