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- PT CA ( PA RT B: CH EM . A NA L . ) 2008 44 4 1 2 , ( 1. , 5 10655; 2. , 5 10623) : 评述了近年来国内外汞的分析方法, 包括: 原子荧光光谱法冷原子吸收光谱法分光光 度法等引用文献65 : 汞; 测定方法; 综述 : O 657 : A : 1001- 4020 ( 200 8) 04- 0385- 06 Progress of Methods for Determination of Trace Amounts of Mercury 1 2 CAI Hu-i hua , PENG Su- biao ( 1. Guang d ong Techno-v ocational School of Env ir onmental P rotection , Guangz hou 510655, China; 2. Guang dong Entry-E x it I n p ection and Quar antine B ur eau, Guangz hou 510623, China) Abstract A rev ew on the recent pr og ress of analy t cal methods fo r deter m nat on of trace amount s o f mercur y w as presented n th s paper , cover ng the y ea rs fr om 2000 to 2007 , and relat ng espec ally to the methods o f atom c fluor escence spectro met ry. Cold v apo ur- atom c absor pt on spectr ometr y, spectro photo metry and etc. ( 65 ref . c ted) . Keywords M ercury; M ethod of determ nat o n; Rev ew , : , , ( ( ) , ) ( , - 1 [ 1] , ) 80 g kg , ; , [ 2] , , , , , 2003 ; , ( JECFA ) , , , 1972 5 g , , , 1. 6 g[ 3] 2003 2 13 , 2002/ 95/ EC 45% ~ 50 % ( , ) RO H S[ 4] , 2006 7 1 , , ( ) , ( PBB) ( PBDE) 6 , 1 mg L - 1 [ 5] , : 2007- 10- 15 : ( 1970-


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