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20 1 Vol.20,No. 1 1998 1 RESOUR ES S IEN E Jan. , 1998 * 贺缠生 ( 美国西密执根大学地理系 Kalamazoo MI 49008 U. S. A) 傅伯杰 ( 中国科学院生态环境研究中心 北京 100085) 200 : , , , , , TV213!4(712) THE DEVELOPMENT OF WATER RESOURCES POLICY AND MANAGEMENT IN THE UNITED STATES HE hansheng (Dep artment of Geograp hy, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, U. S .A . ) FU Bojie ( esearch Center f or Eco- Environmental Sciences, CA S, Beij ing 100085, China) Abstract This paper discussesthe development of water resources policy and management in the United Statesover the last 200 years. It first introduces the goals of the U. S. water re sources policy in different periods of early development ( 1776- 1933) , New Deal ( 1933- 1943) , stabilization and control ( 1943- 1960) , environmental era ( 1960- 1980) , and in tegratedwatershed management ( 1980- present) . Subsequently, the paper characterizesthe ten developmental trends of the U. S. w ater resources policy and management. Finally it summarizes lessons from the U. S. water resources experience. It is hoped that the U. S. water management experience discussed in the paper will shed some light to the formulation andimplementation of hina∀ s water programs and help ensure sustainability of hina∀ s valuable natural resources. Key wor s: Water resources management; Basin development; Water resources policy : 1997- 08- 31 * ( 72 20 1 1 : 1776 # 1933 ; 1933 # 1943 ; 1943 # 1960 ; 1960# 1980 [ 1, 9] ; 1980# :


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