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中国文化 Chinese culture 艺术及工艺 arts and crafts 版画 engraving 贝雕画??? shell carving picture 彩塑??????????painted sculpture 瓷器??????????porcelain; china 刺绣??????????embroidery 苏绣 Suzhou embroidery 雕刻??????????carving 书法 calligraphy 宫灯??????????palace lantern 国画??????????Chinese painting 剪纸??????????paper-cutting 景德镇瓷????Jingdezhen porcelain 景泰蓝???????cloisonné enamel 蜡染??????????batik 麦秸画?????straw patchwork 木/石/竹刻? wood/stone/bamboo carving 木刻画???????wood engraving 泥人儿???????clay figure 皮影??????????shadow puppet 漆画??????????lacquer painting 漆器??????????lacquer ware 双面绣???????two-sided embroidery 檀香扇??????sandalwood fan 唐三彩??????Tang tri-colored pottery 陶器??????pottery; earthenware 图章???????seal 拓片????????rubbing 微雕????????miniature engraving 象牙雕刻?? ivory carving 宜兴陶??????Yixing pottery 篆刻?????????seal cutting 中国结 Chinese knot 水墨画??????Chinese brush drawing ; ink and wash painting 拓碑? making rubbings from inscriptions, pictures , etc . on stone tablets 戏剧表演 theatrical performances 京剧人物脸谱 types of facial makeup in Peking opera 生  male characters 旦  female characters 净  “painted face” characters 末  middle-aged male characters 丑  clown 京剧票友 amateur performer of Peking opera 秦腔 Qin opera 川剧 Sichuan opera 木偶戏 puppet show 独角戏 monodrama; one-man play 皮影戏 shadow play; leather-silhouette show 折子戏 opera highlights 戏剧小品 skit 哑剧  dumb show ; mime ; mummery ; pantomime 单口相声 monologue comic talk 双口相声 witty dialogue 口技  vocal imitations ; ventriloquism 说书  monologue story-telling 杂技  acrobatic performance 叠罗汉  making a human pyramid 特技   stunt 睬高跷 stilt walk 马戏  circus performances 神话人物 mythological figures 八仙  the Eight Immortals 嫦娥  Chang’s (the Chinese moon goddess) 伏羲  Fu Xi (God of Fishery and Husbandry) 福禄寿三星 the three gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity 共工  God of Water 后羿  Houyi (a legendary hero who shot down nine suns ) 黄帝  Yellow Emperor 夸父 Kuafu (a fabled sun-chasing giant ) 女娲   Goddess of Sky-patching 盘古 Pan Gu (creator of the uni


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