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2015年1月10日托福写作真题   新年伊始的首场托福考试还是承袭了ETS一贯的风格,以拼盘形式进行。不知道是不是赶上期末,今天考试的学生不是很多。总体来说本次写作题目的难度都不是很大,特别是独立写作。希望同学们都可以考出理想的成绩。下面就让我们来看下今天的托福考题吧:   综合写作=080809 CN 讨论关于birdsanting这一习性的三种解释。 Topic 议题:birds anting这一习性的三种解释 ? Reading Listening Thesis 总论点 Demonstrate three theories to explain why birds have the habit of anting. Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage. Sub-point 1 分论点1 Birds use anting to irrigate skin during feather change in summer. It is just a coincidence between the time of feather change and bird anting. Sub-point2 分论点2 The acid released during anting by ants can help resist parasites growing on birds. Anting cannot reduce the growth of parasites on some birds. Sub-point 3 分论点3 Anting is a way for birds to feed on those ants. Birds will have other things to rub themselves, but they do not tend to eat those things.   Sample answer:   The reading and listening discuss about thepossible explanations regarding to the bird’s behavior of anting, which is anactivity to have ants rub on the birds’ skin. The passage mentions threetheories to explain the behavior. Whereas, the professor totally refutes thethree presented in the passage.   Firstly, the professor rebuts the reading’s ideathat birds use anting to irrigate skin during the season of feather change insummer. The professor claims that timing is the only supporting point in thistheory. However, it is just coincidence between the time of feather change andanting. During summer, it is easier for birds to find ants for anting and it isjust the right time for birds to change their feather. There is no causalrelationship between the two behaviors.   Secondly, the professor contradicts reading’sstatement that birds use this method to resist growth of parasites due to theacid released by ants during anting. The professor mentions that if the theorywas right in that case, then birds having the habit of anting would experiencea reduce of parasites growth, compared with those not. However, no e


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