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2017考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章:铁路大设想 每年考研英语阅读篇章很多都取材于经济学人,因此2017年考研复习之初,一定要从基础打好,稳扎稳打。凯程网考研频道分享《经济学人》文章,希望大家能够多看、多练,提升阅读能力! 2017考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章:铁路大设想   Urban planning   城市规划   Rail ambition   铁路大设想   Cities used to think modern art could save them.Now its railway stations   城市的救命稻草由过去的现代艺术转为地铁车站   IN JANUARY commuters voted Birmingham NewStreet one of Britains worst railway stations. Each day nearly 150,000 people move through astructure built for half as many. But by next year it will be transformed, with 400 tonnes ofundulating steel cladding and a vaguely eyeball appearance. The station will have “the wowfactor”, boasts Sir Albert Bore, the leader of Birmingham city council. It will also show howmuch attitudes to railway stations have changed.   今年1月,英国上班族的投票结果显示伯明翰新街火车站是全英最差的火车站。每天都有15万人都要去挤这个容量只有人流量一半的车站上下班。但明年,情况将有所改善—车站将使用400顿的包钢材料,带给人们一种模糊的视觉体验。伯明翰市长Albert Bore夸耀说,这个车站将会使走过路过的人情不自禁的叫出声来,使乘客对火车站的态度实现360度大转弯。   Railway stations are the chief exception to the rule that Britain invests too little ininfrastructure. Of the 17 big termini managed by Network Rail, the owner of Britains tracks, 11are being redeveloped or have recently been completed. Five other stations, including Readingand Northampton, are being spruced up by local councils and Network Rail.   英国向来对基础设施的投资就少,但火车站则是一个例外。英国铁道所有者铁路网管理的17个火车站中,有11个使乘客对火车站的态度实现360度大转弯,还有5个(包括雷丁火车站和北安普顿火车站)由当地政府和铁路局负责翻新修理。   Some simply need to be expanded: the number of train journeys has risen by 35% since 2005.But the design of New Street suggests aspirations well beyond more easeful travel. The buildingwould not look out of place in Dubai and is striking, if slightly incongruous, in the grey WestMidlands. City planners wanted something monumental, like Grand Central station in New York,says Sir Bernard Zissman, chairman of the independent design panel.   有一些则只需要扩建:自2005年起,搭乘火车旅行的人次上升了35%。但是新街火车站的设计表明,改良的初衷不仅仅是为了实现提供“更舒适的旅行”这一基本目的。这种独特亮眼的建筑出现在迪拜很合适,但是在灰蒙蒙的西米德兰兹郡,就有那么点不合时宜了。城市规划者、独立设计小组主席Bernard Zissman解释说想建一些地标性的建筑物,就像纽约的中央车站一样。  


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