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2006 年3 月 第2 卷 第1 期
The Practices and Improvements
of the Xixi National Wetland Park Model, Hangzhou
高乙梁 (浙江杭州西溪湿地公园,杭州,310013)
GAO Yi -Liang ( Hangzhou X ixi National Wetland Park, Hangzhou 3100 13, Zhej iang )
摘要 作为首个国家湿地公园,杭州西溪 Abstract As the first national wetland park in China, Hangzhou Xixi National
国家湿地公园全力探索“西溪模式”,寻求 Wetland Park is attempting to establish a Xixi Model for other similar parks.
科学保护与适度利用之间的平衡点,努力 The model emphasizes the balance between the scientific protection and the
走出一条保护与利用的“双赢”之路。在建 moderate utilization of wetland resources, and seeks for win-win management
设西溪国家湿地公园的过程中,主要抓住 practices. In order to establish a paradise-like wetland park, the focus was
given to planning, protection, m anagement and researches thr oughout the
process of the park construction. Theplanning that isthe most important stresses
the construction of regional harmonious development system for human and
nature. The implementation of scientific protection requests for a scientific
planning and allowable intensity and carrying capacity of human activities in
与容量;注重精心管理,实现湿地生态环 the park . The management emphasizes on the scientific protection and the
境、生态资源的科学保护和合理利用;做好 moderate utilization of the wetland ecological environments and resources.
深入研究,努力为湿地保护利用提供决策 The researches that are carried out in the park will provide basis for policy-
依据和理论指导。 making and the theoretical instruction for the protection and utilization of the
关键词 国家湿地公园 可持续发展 杭州 wetland resources.
西溪模式 保护与利用 和谐统一 Key words Wetland, Xixi Wetland Park,
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