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2010 4 April 2010
29 4 M echan ical Science andTechnology forAerospace Engineering Vo.l 29 No. 4
穆朋刚, 万小朋, 赵美英
( , 710072)
: 结合试验数据, 提出了一种含有 3 个待定参数的非线性疲劳 伤累积模型, 该模型能够描
述复合材料结构疲劳 伤扩展 3 个阶段, 即可以模拟初始循环载荷的 伤快速增长阶段达到特征
伤状态时的缓慢增长阶段及断裂前 伤快速扩展的阶段通过算例验证: 本文模型与试验数据
吻合性较好, 可用于对复合材料结构疲劳寿命进行预测及 伤评估
: 复合材料; 寿命预测; 疲劳; 伤累积
: V215 : A : 1003 72 ( 2010)
A Nonlinear Fatigue DamageM odel for
Life Prediction of Composite Lam inates
M u Penggang, W an X iaopeng, ZhaoM eiying
( School of Aeronautics, Northw estern Polytechn icalUn ivers ity, X ian 710072)
Abstract: A nonlinear cumulative damagemodel based on fatigue data for composite lam inates is presented. Using
residual strength or residual stiffness, the proposed model w ith three unknow n parameters can smi u late the three
stages of a characteristic of fatigue damage grow th, .i e. the quick grow th in early life, the damage grow ing stead ily
in them iddle of the life and the damage grow ing rap idly near the fracture. Several expermi ental data are used to
verify this model, and the results indicate that themodel describes the different sets of expermi ental dataw ell, and
it can be used to pred ict the fatigue life of different type composite lam inates.
K ey words: fatigue; cumulative dam age; composite lam inates; life pred iction
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