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根據比較利益原則,每項商品應該由機會成本較小的國家生產。因為美國生產1輛汽車的機會成本為2噸食物,而日本只有1噸食物,所以日本對生產汽車具比較利益,從而日本應生產比它自己所需更多的汽車,並將部分汽車出口到美國。 * 一國應該與其他國家貿易嗎? 同樣地,由於日本生產1噸食物的機會成本是1輛汽車,而美國只有1/2輛汽車,所以美國對生產食物具比較利益,從而美國應生產比它自己所需更多的食物,並將部分食物出口到日本。透過專業化生產與貿易,兩國都可以同時享有更多的食物與更多的汽車。 * 一國應該與其他國家貿易嗎? 國與國之間貿易的實際課題要比上面的例子來得更複雜。 每個國家的居民有其各自的利益,而國際貿易雖可能使整個國家變得更好,但有時會使某些人變得更差。 例:當美國由日本進口汽車時,美國汽車工人可能因美國汽車產量下降而失業,從而變得更差。 不過,國際貿易絕非像球賽那樣,有贏隊也有輸隊,而在相當程度上,所有的國家都可以因國際貿易而提升其人民的生活水準。 * 一國應該與其他國家貿易嗎? 根據比較利益原則,交易可以讓每個人變得更好。 但在現實的世界中,不可能只有農夫與牧牛人兩個人,且不可能只有牛肉與馬鈴薯兩種商品;在那麼多人且那麼多商品的情況下,整個經濟體系有什麼樣的機制可以決定社會資源的配置─誰該生產什麼、生產多少?每個人又該消費什麼、消費多少? 我們在下一章,透過供給與需求的市場力量來回答這個問題。 * 結論 * * * * In this diagram, the green arrows represent flows of income/payments. The red arrows represent flows of goods services (including services of the factors of production in the lower half of the diagram). To keep the graph simple, we have omitted the government, financial system, and foreign sector, as discussed on the next slide. You may wish to change the order in which the elements appear. To do so, look for “Custom Animation” in your version of PowerPoint. * * In this diagram, the green arrows represent flows of income/payments. The red arrows represent flows of goods services (including services of the factors of production in the lower half of the diagram). To keep the graph simple, we have omitted the government, financial system, and foreign sector, as discussed on the next slide. You may wish to change the order in which the elements appear. To do so, look for “Custom Animation” in your version of PowerPoint. * * * * In this diagram, the green arrows represent flows of income/payments. The red arrows represent flows of goods services (including services of the factors of production in the lower half of the diagram). To keep the graph simple, we have omitted the government, financial system, and foreign sector, as discussed on the next slide. You may wish to change the order in which the elements appear. To do so, look for


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