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CNIC-01929 CAEP皿0207 活化法区分浓缩铀与贫化铀的可行性分析 章剑华向永春郝繁华 (中国工程物理研究院核物理与化学研究所,绵阳,621900) 摘要 在俄罗斯学者用252 Cf 源慢化后辐照 U0 粉末,探测到浓缩铀 2 138 235U 裂变产物的缓发 γ 射线( CS ,能量1 436 keVj 研究成果的启 中 发下分析了用浓缩铀 U 0 堆照后获得的裂变产物能谱;并建立了 3 8 252Cf源辐照金属铀球壳的简单模型,进行了活化法判定铀部件是否 为浓缩铀初步的可行性研究。认为:在一定条件下,活化法判定铀材 料是否为浓缩铀是可行的o 与被动法测量 γ 谱判定铀材料是否为浓 缩铀相比,活化法的优越性在于:当以堆后料作为浓缩铀原料时,可 以用被动法判定浓缩铀;而该方法可以判定堆后料或堆前料生产的 浓缩铀o 关键词:活化法铀 252Cf 20 Analyse the Feasibility of Distinguish EU and Depleted Uranium by Activation Method Cln Chinese) ZHANG Jianhua XIANG Yongchun HAO Fanhua Clnstitute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry , CAEP , Mianyang , 621900) ABSTRACT First , introduce Russian scholars using activation method to measure fis- sion materials delayed gamma-ray to determinate the attribution of uranium ma- teria l. Their experiments indicate that , irradiating U02 powder by 252 Cf can be used to detect fission product from EU material-especially 138 Cs is obvious. And observe the gamma spectrums , which were obtained in our experiments of irradiating U 3 0 8 powder in reactor. Then establish a simple model of 252Cf neu甲 tron source irradiating a metal uranium hollow sphere , using MCNP and Lab- socs to assess , and investigate the feasibility of detecting the uranium compo- nent s by activation method to judge whether it is HEU. This method is feasi- ble. Compare this method and passive method , activation measurement has an advantage-it can judge the EU stuf


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