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美国数学大师丘成桐 点破中国学术死穴 Qiu Chengtong, an American mathematician with Chinese origin, sharply points out the malady of Chinese academy 一个没有文化的国家,做不了好学问。能够学贯中西、博古通今固然好,但是,如果一个民族摒弃自身的文化背景,拥洋为重,最终只会失去身份认同,变得高不成、低不就。菲尔兹奖(Fields Medal)得主、华人数学大师丘成桐指出,中国学术界所面对的,正正就是这个窘境。 A country without its culture cannot make good learning. Its quite well to learn from east and west, from past and present, but a nation would eventually lose its identity and become a nonentity should it turn its back upon its own culture background and blindly worship that of west. The winner of Fields Medal, chinese-origin mathematician points out that the Chinese academy is caught in such a predicament. 丘成桐接受访问的时候,谈到中国学术界种种不良的风气,归根究底,所有问题都是源于1966至1976年的文化大革命,摧毁中国多年良好的文化传统,大师给中国学术界点破死穴。 When interviewed by journalists, Qiu Chengtong stated that the undesirable atmosphere of Chinese academy comes down to the Cultural Revolution launched from 1966 to 1976 in china, which had devastated the fine Chinese cultural traditions. Qiu Chengtong hit the nail on the head. 他解释:自那时开始,中国人的价值观完全改变,是非观念和道德操守遭到扭曲,以致现在的学生和学校变得唯利是图,这种文化气候,是中国难以孕育一流学问的最主要原因。 He explained, From then on, the values of Chinese has changed completely, so has twisted their concept of right and wrong and the moral code. So today the students and schools become mercenary, and this is the major reason china finds it difficult to nurture first-rank scholarship. 另一方面,父母崇洋的心态,也令孩子失去深厚的文化根基。丘成桐指出,中国许多父母都希望子女做一个黄皮肤黑眼睛的西方人,结果是中西文化都学不好,他更以二不像来形容这个现象。文化上的缺失,影响尤其广泛深刻,以致中国的学术界,出现以下种种流弊。 On the other hand, he indicated, the blind worship of western culture of many parents has denied their children their own deep-rooted culture. Qiu Chengtong pointed out that many parents in china wish their children to be a westerner with yellow skin and black eyes .As a result, the next generation can learn neither the west nor the east well. He described this phenomenon with an analogy neither fish nor fowl. The stray in culture has a vast and deep influence on people, leadi


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