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30  6        V ol.30  N o.6  2010 6 Journal of Central South University of Forestry Technology  Jun.2010 , , , , , (国家林业局桉树研究开发中心, 广东 湛江524022)  : (D H201-2 DH32-29 ) 5 (1 250、1 657、2 500、 5 000 6 667 ·hm-2 ) () ( :)。 : DH20 1-2 3 (2 500 ·hm-2 ) , 452 kg ·m-3, DH 32-29 2 (1 657 ·hm-2 ), 436 kg ·m-3 ; , , , ; DH20 1-2 3(2 500 ·hm-2 )5 (6 667 ·hm-2 )、 。 : ;;; : S792.39 : A : 1673-923X(2010)06-0085-07 Effects on wood properties of young E ucaly p t plantation in different stands density Z HA NG H ua-lin, L Tian-hui, W U Zhi-hua, X E Yao-j ian, HA N Fei-y ang, REN Shi-qi (China E uca ly p t Resear ch Centre, Z hanjiang 524022, G uangdong, China) Abstract:By sur veying and analyzing the wo od pr ope rties including wo od basic density and fibre mor pha (The anal- y sis of fibre mo rpha was divided into tw o pa rts, hea rtw ood and sapwoo d)of two tw o-y ear-old E uca ly p tus clones (E uca ly p tus g rand is×E .tereticorn is clone DH 20 1-2 and E .urop hy lla×E .g rand is clone DH 32-29 )with five stand densities (1 250 , 1 657, 2 500, 5 000 and 6 667 trees ·hm-2 ), the results show ed that the wo od basic density of DH201-2 reached the maximum of 452 kg ·m-3 with stand density of 2 500 trees ·hm-2 while D H32-29 came to the maximum of 436 kg ·m-3 with stand density of 1 657 trees ·hm-2 ;unde r the same co ndition of clo ne and stand density, the fibre leng th of sapwo od w as long er than that of hear two od, so to the leng th-width ra tio, but the re were no t significant differences of the fibre width between sapw oo d and hear two od;the stand density of 2 500 and 6 66


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