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青岛农业大学海都学院本科生毕业论文(设计)题目:小麦精密播种机的设计姓名:唐耀明系别:工程系专业:机械设计制造及其自动化班级:2008.06 学号: 200801176指导教师:江景涛年月日目录摘要IIIAbstractIII第一章绪论31.1选题的目的和意义31.2 精密播种机国内外研究现状及前景3第二章总体方案的设计32.1方案的选择32.2主要技术参数3第三章排种器33.1 排种器的技术要求33.2 排种器的设计33.3播种量的计算3第四章开沟器34.1 开沟器的要求34.2 开沟器的设计3第五章其他工作部件和机构35.1输种管的设计35.2地轮的设计35.3地轮轴的选择与校核35.4 镇压轮35.5种子箱的设计35.6种子箱容量计算35.7机架的设计3第六章传动机构36.1 动力传递方式的选择36.2 传动比和链条节数的计算36.3链轮的基本参数的设计3第七章结论3参考文献3致谢3小麦精密播种机的设计摘要从古至今,人类赖以生存的食物就是粮食,而小麦又是主要的粮食作物,在我国,小麦的种植面积非常得广。从寒冷的大东北到夏日炎炎的南方,从地势高低不平的大西北到广阔无垠大华北平原。播种就是小麦生产过程中关键的一步我们要根据农业技术要求,将种子种到地里,能够使作物获得良好的生长条件。但是随着科学种植技术的发展,以及我们对农艺技术要求的不断提高,对于小麦播种机的研究不能只停留在传统的机械化播种的方向上,更要追求精密化播种。小麦精密播种,就是使生长出来的小麦苗匀、苗齐、苗壮,能够保证种子的田间分布最合理,播下的种子量精确,株距均匀,行距一致,株距也一致,播深一致,为种子的生长发育创造最佳条件。这样可以大量节省种子,增强种子的使用率,保证作物稳产高产。因此,现代的农业对精密播种机械的要求越来越迫切。关键词:小麦;精密;株距;行距The design of wheat precision seeding machineAbstractSince ancient times, the survival of the human food is food, wheat is the main grain crop, in China, the plantingarea of wheat is very wide. From the cold north to south which is heat of summer, rugged terrain of the northwest to the vast North China plain. Sowing wheat in the production process is a key step ,we should according to the agricultural technical requirements, the seed is planted in the ground, can make crop obtain good growing conditions. But with the scientific cultivation technology development, as well as our agronomic technology requirements continue to increase, for wheat sowing machine research can only stay in the traditional mechanical seeding direction, but also the pursuit of precision seeding. Wheat precision seeding, is to make the growth of the wheat seedling evenly, seedlings, seedling is strong, can ensure the seed of field distribution of the most reasonable, sowed the seeds of precise, uniform spacing, spacing, spacing in the rows are aligned, sowing depth consistent, as the seed growth and development to create the best conditions. This can save a lot of seeds, strengthen seed use rate, ensure the stable and high yield of



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