
矿山机电毕业设计 采煤机设计.doc

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矿山机电毕业设计 采煤机设计

中国矿业大学毕业论文任务书 毕业论文题目:MG650/1620-W采煤机牵引部设计 毕业论文专题题目: 毕业论文主要内容和要求: 主要技术参数及配套设备: 采高(m):1.~3.; 适应倾角(°):≤; 煤质硬度 : ; 机面高度(m):; 机重(T):~截深(m):滚筒直径 (m):00、2000、2240、2500、2700; 滚筒转速 (mm):25.83、29.29; 滚筒水平中心距(m):; 摇臂回转中心距(m):; 牵引形式 :;牵引速度(m/min): ~~; 牵引力(KN):; 上摆; 泵型号: ; 型号: ; 牵引电机型号:装机功率(KW): (其中两个截割电机2×KW 两个牵引电机2×KW,一个泵电机KW,破碎电动机100KW,共计2×+2×+)ABSTRACT The MG650/1620-W type liquid presses to lead to shearer to mainly used for the medium thick coal seam to adopt homework. It can cuts the whole seam height in one trip, and accommodate the changing of seam thickness and floor undulation. Should the shearer adaptability like, the power is big and adopt a coal efficiency high, operate in brief and check to fix convenience. This design mainly carrieson a project design to the whole machine of the shearer, spreading to move to wait a related design towards the hauling department with walks The MG650/1620-W coal mining machine mainly (bes in one), about cutting by the hydraulic transmission and electrically controlled department, about the hauling department, about to walk, the cooling spray system, the outside the aircraft oil pipe manifold, to support the module and the towing bridle installment and so on is composed.. In the design of the cutting drum spread move , the exploitation keeps the general theory that wheel gear and planet wheel gears constituting to decelerate a machine is a design. Designing to suit a deceleration machine which mows an usage, and will it and the mineral use electric motor to combine directly, simplifying to the cutting drum to spread to move a decoration. The creative of this design: Cut a deceleration machine of mowing the department to install in the ranging arm, used two round to increase center to be apart from, so as to make the total piece of wheel gear reduced, and raised to spread to move an efficiency. The structure full general clutch installs on the electrical engineering stalk, making the moving convenience and safety. In the Design me


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