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LANZHOU UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 毕业设计 题 目 基于单片机的防酒驾系统设计 学生姓名 王爱强 学 号 专业班级 通信工程(1)班 指导教师 彭清斌 学 院 计算机与通信学院 答辩日期 2016年6月15日 基于单片机的防酒驾系统设计 Design of drunken driving system based on single chip xxx xxx 12xxxxxx 摘要 近些年来随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的汽车出现在人们的这生活中,这大大方便了人们的生活,但是同时也带来了交通事故频发等交通问题,其中酒后驾驶占很大的比例,严重威胁着人类生命安全。为了能够有效的防止酒后驾驶造成的危害,研究一种防酒驾系统系统是非常必要的,从而能够强制性防止酒后驾车,降低交通事故的发生率。本课题的研究对象—基于单片机的防酒驾系统就是在这中背景下提出来的。该系统具有移植性好、操作简单、响应速度快、成本低等优点,适合经济型家用小型车辆使用。 本次设计主要阐述了基于单片机的防酒驾系统的设计与实现。在学习和借鉴国内外防酒驾系统研发的基础上,将系统设计成能通过高灵敏度的呼气式酒精传感器检测司机的酒精摄入量,当司机体内酒精浓度超标时,控制系统会自动切断汽车启动系统,使汽车无法正常启动。系统可显示司机摄入的酒精浓度,并具有实时监测和光电、语音报警功能。 关键词:酒精检测;模数转换;单片机 ABSTRACT As in recent years, drunk driving frequently occurred, which seriously threaten humans life. In order to be able to effectively prevent the damage for drunken driving, studies a system against drunk driving system is very necessary, which can be mandatory to prevent drunk driving. This topic research object-against drunk driving system based on single chip microcomputer is proposed in this background. The system has good portability, simple operation, fast response speed, and low cost, suitable for affordable home small vehicle use. This design mainly elaborated against drunk driving system based on single chip design and implementation. In learning and reference to prevent drunk driving system research and development at home and abroad, on the basis of the system designed to pass the sensors detect alcohol intake. When the driver excess alcohol concentration in the body, the control system will automatically cut off the start-up system, make the car cant start properly. Concentration of alcohol intake system can display driver, and has real-time monitoring and alarm function. Keywords:alcohol detection;analog-digital conversion; SCM 目录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2国内外研究现状 1 1.3本设计主要内容 3 第2章 系统的总体设计 4 2.1设计要求 4 2.2方案设计 4 2.3器件选择 5 2.3.1 酒精传感器 5 2.3.2 单片机 6 2.3.3 模数转换芯片 9 2.3.4 1602液晶


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