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Wuthering Heights ---141程子钰 Author famous Emily Bronte and talented English poet and novelist Heathecliff was adopted by Mr.Earnshaw ( the owner of the Wuthering Heights) in Liverpool accidentally. No one knew who his parents were and where he came from.Mr Earnshawa treated him as his son ,even doted on him,which gave rise to his son Hindleys hate. ButCatherine (Mr.Earnshaws daughter)liked playing with him and helped him get through many trouble made by Hindley .As time goes by, they fell in love with each other. Its a tough time for Heathcliff after Mr Earnshaw died. Because Hindley became the new host of the Wuthering Heights.He grasped any opportunities he can to insult Heathcliff.But the Heathcliff endured all of them At the same time, the Edgar Linton(the son of the Trush Grange) often visited Cathy and expressed his love to her.Cathy gradually changed her mind and considered that such a noble man matched her well. So she decided to marry with Edgar Linton.Hearing such a bad news, Heathcliff left Wuthering Heights disappointedly and grively Years later ,Heathcliff came back with a lot of money.Surprisingly,he turned himself into a noble man in order to seek revenge on anybody who hurt him before Heathcliff cheated Hindleybelongings by gambling.He married Lintonsiston Isabella .Cathy died after she gave a birth to little Catherine.Heathcliff was so grive that he take revenge of others insanely and abused Isabella. Heathcliff cheated Hindleybelongings by gambling.He married Lintonsiston Isabella .Cathy died after she gave a birth to little Catherine.Heathcliff was so grive that he take revenge of others insanely and abused Isabella. Grange At the same time , Heathcliff missed Cathy and was tortured by those beautiful memory with Cathy .He stayed at his own room all day and didnt have meal or sleep.At last,he died in dumps and grief. importuned * End *


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