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( ) Journa of H efe iU n iversity( Socia Sc iences) 20 11 1 28 1 Jan. 20 11 V o . 28 N o. 1 30: 张俊杰 ( , 241000) : 1980 年政治学在中国重新获得独立的学科地位, 由此为政治学专业学生编写科学的政治学原理类教科 书就 为学界努力的方向30 年间政治学原理类教科书建设历经了恢复和探索发展规范建设全面发展三 个 时期, 涌现出一批优秀的教材这些教材对政治学人才培养发挥了巨大作用, 但政治学原理类教科书也存在着: 理论体系不 熟低水平重复建设严重教材内容陈旧空洞等亟待解决的问题 : 政治学教科书; 教材建设; 回顾与思考 : G 641; G 642 : A : 1672- 920X ( 20 11) 01- 0097 - 04 30 Years of Political Theory Textbooks: Review and Consideration Zhang Junjie ( Schoo o f L aw and Po itics, A nhui N orm a U n iversity, W uhu 241000, A nhui, Ch ina) Abstract: S ince Po it ics returned to an independent subject in China in 1980, the academ ic comm un i t ies have put effort in com pi ing po itica theory textbooks. Po itica theory textbooks have exper ienced three periods from Recovery, exp oration and initia ization, Standard izat ion to Com prehensive deve op m ent, during w hich a o t o f good teach ing m ateria em erged. T he teach ing m ateria has boosted the ta ent deve opm en tw h i e issues sti ex ist such as theory system s are not m ature enough, frequent ow ev e repetition wo rk and outo fdate and vague contents wh ich need to be fixed urgent y. K ey words: po itica theory tex tbook; teach ing m ateria com p i at ion; rev iew and consideration 19 80 12 24 , , , 30 , , 30 , , , , 1 ( MPA ) , 1980 2010 90 , , () , , 3: 1980 1989 , 1990 1999 , 2000 : 2010 - 0


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