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100年度統測 英文 100年度統測 英文 1. Don’t park your car here because it is reserved for the handicapped. (A) Fascinated (B) twisted(C) disabled(D) endangered 不要把你的車停在這裡,因為這是為殘障人士保留的位置。 I.字彙題-1 100年度統測 英文 In conventional farming, chemicals are frequently used to kill insects and fight diseases. (A) geographical (B) traditional (C) accidental (D) environmental 在傳統的耕作方式中,化學藥劑常被用來殺害蟲和抵抗疾病。 I.字彙題-2 100年度統測 英文 In preparation for the wedding anniversary party, the couple invited an outstanding designer to remodel the interior of the house. (A) inside (B) decoration (C) invasion (D) price 為了準備結婚紀念日派對,這對夫妻請了一位知名設計師重新改造室內裝潢。 I.字彙題-3 100年度統測 英文 After sharing an apartment with a friend for two years, you should be able to recognize him by his voice. (A) reveal (B) identify (C) allow (D) disturb 在跟朋友共住公寓兩年後,你應該能夠聽到聲音就認得出人。 I.字彙題-4 100年度統測 英文 There is a strong resemblance between the man and the boy. They must be father and son. (A) liking (B) likelihood (C) likewise (D) likeness 那男人和小男孩極為相似,他們一定是父子。 I.字彙題-5 100年度統測 英文 When the potato was first brought to Europe, many people thought it was a weird vegetable. (A) underground (B) poisonous (C) nutritious (D) strange 當蕃茄第一次被引進到歐洲時,許多人都覺得它是一種奇怪的蔬菜。 I.字彙題-6 100年度統測 英文 She was fully attracted by the novel; therefore, when her mother asked her to run an errand, she put the book down reluctantly. (A) genuinely (B) rapidly (C) unwillingly (D) definitely 她完全被那本小說給吸引住,因此當她媽媽叫她去幫忙跑腿時,她很不情願地放下那本書。 I.字彙題-7 100年度統測 英文 In some cultures, giving someone a letter opener implies that the relationship will be cut. (A) suggests (B) includes (C) impresses (D) bargains 在某些文化中,給某人一把拆信刀意味著關係即將決裂。 I.字彙題-8 100年度統測 英文 She wasted so much money on luxuries that she ran into ______ very soon. (A) doubt (B) date (C) debt (D) dirt


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