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技术与应用 220kV 输电线路感应电压驱鸟试验和应用 1 2 1 1 1 刘希和 , 刘佳俊 , 柯贤友 , 余诗俊 , 汤国锋 (1.江西赣西供电公司,江西 新余 338000;2.美国亚利桑拉州立大学,美国 坦佩) 摘要 针对目前 220kV 输电线路现有的防鸟害设施不能有效防止鸟害的情况,分析了其产生 的原因,利用输电线路感应电压来驱鸟,对鸽子进行了电压驱鸟模拟试验,并对线路主要鸟害的 黑领椋鸟制定并进行了驱赶试验。分析了电压驱鸟这种驱鸟方式方法的优势和现有防鸟设施无法 克服的缺点,并结合实际应用环境,选择最有效的电压驱鸟方式方法进行驱鸟,降低高压输电线 路鸟害故障率,保障电网的安全运行。 关键词:驱鸟;试验;输电线路 The Experiment and Application of Induced Voltage Bird Expelling Method on 220kV Transmission Line 1 2 1 1 1 Liu Xihe , Liu Jiajun , Ke Xianyou , Yu Shijun , Tang Guofeng (1.Ganxi Power Supply Company, Xinyu, Jiangxi 33800;2.Arizona State University, AZ, Tempe, USA) Abstract The anti-bird facilities currently installed on 220kV transmission lines cannot effectively avoid the damage caused by birds. The reason to this phenomenon is analyzed. The new method proposed in this paper employs the induced voltage of transmission lines to expel birds. The simulation experiments are first conducted on pigeons. Then the experiments are conducted on white-collar starling, which is the major harmful bird to the transmission lines. We analyzed the advantages of using this new induced voltage method to expel birds as well as the disadvantages of using current anti-bird facilities. After combining the experimental results with the actual application environment, we select the most effective method, which is the new induced voltage method to expel birds, lower the high voltage transmission line failure rate caused by birds and ensure the reliable operation of the power grid. Key words :bird expelling ;experiment ;transmission line 目前,随着人


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