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Content Sheet 1 2 4.071Q0001 Overview of Life Science I 2 5. 071Q0009 Molecular biology 2 7. Cross-cultural Management 4 8. Fundamentals of Software Engineering 6 9. 051F0040 College English Band Ⅴ 7 10. 051F0230 Western Movie Review 13 11. 051F0440 American Culture and Oral English 15 12. Advanced MRI Techniques and Applications 18 13. Infectious Diseases 21 16. History of Medicine 29 17. Medical Psychology 30 18. 051F0220 Audio-Visual Spoken English 34 19. 051F0240 English Pronunciation Training 36 20. 051F0320 Western Journalistic Language 40 22. 051I0060 An Introduction to the English Short Stories 44 23. International Trade 48 24. 061B0030 Probability Theory 54 25. Principles of Network Communication 56 26. Optoelectronics 57 30. 201A0020 Management 63 31. 051F0270 A Contrastive Style of Writing Rhetoric in English and Chinese 68 34. 111C0061 Signals and Systems (A) 72 37. 051J0020 Practical English Writing 74 42. 211B0010 Discrete Mathematics and Application 77 43. 051I0050 Introduction to British American Literature 78 50. The Law of the WTO 81 52. Biostatistics and Experiment Design 81 57. The Theory of Incentives 83 58. A Study on European and American Education 84 61. Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine 85 62. 051F0570 Overview of the English Language Development 91 Sheet 2 98 2. English for Business Communication 98 6. Intermediate Microeconomics 102 7. Comparative Business Organizations 104 8. Principle and Interface Technology of Microprocessors 105 11. Managerial Psychology 109 15. Field and Wave Electromangetics 110 16. MAJORING IN SPECIAL TRAINING AND PRACTICE 116 17. Training Course for TEM-8 117 19. Green Polymers 118 20. Self-Adaptive Control 119 24. A Basic Course in Consecutive Confer


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