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Define the Extent of the Assessment 确定评估范围 Number and Type of Hazards 危害数量和类型 Hazardous Substance 有害物质 Noise 噪音 Vibration 振动 Safety. 安全性 Review The Assessment 审核评估 BASIC PRINCIPLES IN OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE 职业卫生基本原则 Day 2 第2天 5 - ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH RISKS 5-健康风险的评估 Hazard and Risk 危害和风险 A hazard is something that can cause harm if not controlled. 危害是不加控制会造成伤害的某种物质或情况。 The outcome is the harm that results from an uncontrolled hazard. 危害不加以控制,就会造成伤害。 A risk is a combination of the probability that a particular outcome will occur and the severity of the harm involved. 风险是指出现特定结果的可能性和相关危害的严重程度。 ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH RISKS 健康风险的评估 Primary reason for conducting a workplace assessment is to assess the risk(s) to the health of employees. 对工作场所进行评估的主要原因是为了对员工的健康风险进行评估。 Where a less than satisfactory situation is indicated there will be an additional requirement: 如遇到不尽人意的情况,需要: To specify steps to achieve adequate control. 说明实现适当控制的步骤。 To identify any other action that is required. 确认其他所需措施。 5 - ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH RISKS 5-健康风险的评估 确定评估范围 收集信息 确认措施 评估风险 记录评估结果 实施措施 审核评估 Define the Extent of the Assessment 确定评估范围 Define the process or activity which is being assessed. 确定评估的过程或活动。 Assessment Unit: 评估单位: Person 个人 Activity 活动 Task 任务 Substance 物质 Machine 机器 Gather Information (1) 收集信息 (1) The nature of the process or operation, e.g. continuous or batch, indoor or outdoor. 确定过程或操作的性质:如连续的、还是分批次的,室内的还是室外的。 The substances used and produced (chemical, biological) plus other agents (noise, radiation) and factors (ergonomic) present. 确定使用和产生的物质(化学物质,还是生物物质)和其他因素(噪声、辐 射)和存在的要素(人体工程学)。 The form of the substances (gases, vapours etc.) and other agents. 物质的形式(气态、蒸汽等)和其他因素。 An understanding of the effect(s) of the relevant agents/factors (chemical, physical, biological, ergonomic) on the body. 了解相关因素/要素(化学、物理、生物、或人体工程学)对人体的影响。 Gather Information (2) 收集信息 (2) A knowledge of the types of job carried out (e.g. operator, maintena


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