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IPDET Chapter 4: Understanding the Evaluation Context and Program Theory of Change 模块 4: 理解评价背景和项目变革理论 Introduction 引言 Front-end Analysis 前端分析 Identifying the Main Client and Key Stakeholders 确定主要客户和关键利益相关者 Understanding the Context 了解背景 Constructing, Working with, and Assessing a Theory of Change 建立、使用、评估变革理论 Front-End Analysis 前端分析 Client and stakeholders 客户和利益相关者 Timing and time management 时机和时间管理 Nature of resources 资源性质 Relevance of social science theory 和社会科学理论的相关性 Findings of similar evaluations 类似评价的发现 Role of theory of change 变革理论的作用 Existing data 现有数据 Balancing Costs and Benefits 成本收益间的平衡 Benefits 收益 strong knowledge 扎实的知识基础 Intended use by main client 主要客户有目的使用 Reauthorization or replenishment 再授权或者补充 Potential for learning what works 学习行之有效方法的潜力 context specification of what will work 对即将发生作用的事物的情况说明 Building local capacity 建立本地能力 answers to questions of stakeholder concern 回答利益相关者关心的问题 Balancing Costs and Benefits 成本收益间的平衡 Costs 成本 Evaluations are limited by time and money, some more than others 评价活动受时间和资金限制而有所不同 Examples of costs: 成本举例: cost of evaluation in relation to the cost of the program 与计划成本相关的评价成本 costs in terms of the social burden to program officials, evaluands, respondents 计划官员、评价对象、受访者所承担的社会成本 reputation costs to the evaluator and the evaluation community 评价人员和评价机构的声誉成本 Dangers or Pitfalls 危险或缺陷 The belief that everything should be covered up front 面面俱到的观念 The to-do-ism fixation 偏执的行动主义 McDonaldisation of society 社会“麦当劳化” Truisms pop up while doing the front-end planning 进行前期规划时“真理”突然出现 Front-end planning does not prevent people to join in “group think” 前期规划没有阻止人们的“小团体思想” Power matters, never forget to look at the power position of the participants 在权力问题上决不要忘记考虑参与者的权力地位 Main Client 主要客户 One main client 一个主要客户 Key stakeholder sponsoring or requesting the evaluation 资助或者要求进行评价的关键利益相关者 May be可能: authorizing or funding the program授权或资助该计划 authorizing or funding the evaluation授权或资助评价 accountable for the public for the interve



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