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澎湖地區居民對海洋運動觀光發展態度之研究 2009年6月 研 究 生:洪心蓮 指導教授:鄭志富 摘要 本研究以社會交換理論為基礎,影響澎湖地區居民支持海洋運動觀光發展之因素。首先藉由文獻分析找出可能影響之交換因子,進而分析交換因子、海洋運動觀光衝擊評價與海洋運動觀光發展態度之間的關係。研究分為兩大階段,首先於2009年3月4日至4月24日,進行專家德爾菲法,建構本研究問卷各量表之題項;後於同年5月15日至24日,以澎湖地區滿20歲以上之當地居民600位為研究對象,進行調查,並以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、典型相關分析及多元逐步迴歸等統計分析方法進行資料分析,所得結論如下: 海洋運動觀光正面價值支持。澎湖地區居民之社會交換因子及海洋運動觀光評價各變項,與海洋運動觀光發展態度皆達顯著水準,其中又以「價值肯定」及「正面環境衝擊」。 社會交換因子與海洋運動觀光衝擊評價對於海洋運動觀光發展態度具有顯著的預測力,其中海洋運動觀光衝擊評價之「正面環境衝擊」變項之預測力最強。 互惠公平原則質量並重的發掘更多交換因子深化研究內涵 關鍵詞:海洋運動觀光、社會交換理論、社會交換因子、海洋運動觀光衝擊評價、觀光發展支持度 The Study of Peng-Hu Residents Attitudes toward Marine Sport Tourism Development June, 2009 Author: Hung, Shin-Lien Advisor: Cheng, Chih-Fu Abstract This study based on the social exchange theory and designed to explore the factors influencing Penghu residents’ agreements for marine sport tourism. The study was divided into two stages: in the first stage, the study adopted Delphi method was invited 11 scholars and experts to conduct the items of the questionnaire from March 4th to April 24th, 2009. Then, the researcher collected 600 local residents who are over 20 years old as the subjects for gathering the data via “Questionnaire of Penghu Residents Attitudes toward Marine Sport Tourism Development”. According to the data collected from the questionnaire, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product moment correlation, canonical correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The results were derived as the follows: Due to the economic benefits and industrial development from marine sport tourism, residents approved the positive value in general; moreover, residents showed highly support toward marine sport tourism. Each dimension of social exchange factors was significantly correlated with each dimension of the assessment of marine-sport-tourism impacts. Besides, “value affirmative” and “positive physical environmental impact” dimensions were especially apparent and demonstrated


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