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2楊仁仁,朝陽科技大學體育室講師,jjyang@.tw 。
3李佳玲,朝陽科技大學休閒事業管理系研究生,avril0102@eisure-participation Behavioral Intentions of Elementary School Students in Taichung ,
Changhua and Nantou Cities and Counties
Chun-Ju Chang1、Len-Len Yang2、Chia-Ling Li3
The purpose of this study was to applying planned behavior theory to leisure- participation behavioral intentions of elementary school students in Taichung ,Changhua and Nantou cities and counties. By the questionnaire investigation, the total numbers of questionnaires were 527 and valid number was 480 that made a 91.08%.
SP SS12.0 was used to do the data statistic. Reliability, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple-regression analysis were adopted for the data analysis. The study results were shown as follows: Firstly, genders, graders, partners and extracurriculums activities had parts of significant effects on leisure participation of elementary school students. Secondly, the mean of total attitude towards the behavior was 3.76, and the highest mean score of attitude towards the behavior subscales was cognitive (M=4.01), the rest of them followed by affective (M=3.96), and behavior (M=3.45). Thirdly, theory of planned behavior could explain and predicate elementary school students’ behavioral intentions. But only attitude towards the behavior and perceived behavioral control were positively effects on leisure participation behavioral intentions among elementary school students.
【KeyWord】heory of planned behavior, Elementary school students, Leisure participation
behavioral intentions
1 Chun-Ju Chang, Assisant professor, Department of Leisure,Recreation and Tourism Management, Technology of Chaoyang University, cjchang@.tw
2 Len-Len Yang,Lecturor, Department of Leisur
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