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绗?7 鍗 绗? 鏈 鎺 鍒 涓 鍐 绛 2012 骞 7 鏈 Vol. 27 No. 7 Control and Decision Jul. 2012 鏂囩珷缂栧彿: 1001-0920 (2012) 07-1113-04 鍩轰簬鐏拌壊绯荤粺鐞嗚鐨勫灞炴€х兢鍐崇瓥涓撳鏉冮噸鐨勮皟鏁寸畻娉 鍛ㄥ欢骞? 鏈辨€″畨 (瑗垮寳宸ヤ笟澶у璁$畻鏈哄闄紝瑗垮畨710072) 鎽 瑕? 鐮旂┒澶氬睘鎬х兢鍐崇瓥涓笓瀹舵潈閲嶇殑璋冩暣闂. 鍦ㄥ緱鍒颁笓瀹朵富瑙傛潈閲嶇殑鍩虹涓? 鎻愬嚭涓€绉嶆潈閲嶈皟鏁寸畻娉? 閫氳繃璁 绠椾笓瀹朵釜浣撳喅绛栫粨鏋滀笌缇や綋鍐崇瓥缁撴灉鐨勭伆鑹插叧鑱斿害骞剁粨鍚堝垵濮嬫潈閲嶆眰寰椾笓瀹剁殑缁煎悎鏉冮噸, 杩愮敤涓撳鐨勭患鍚堟潈閲嶈绠 璋冩暣鍚庣殑鍐崇瓥缁撴灉, 骞舵嵁姝ょ户缁鏉冮噸杩涜璋冩暣, 鐩磋嚦璁$畻鍑虹ǔ瀹氱殑鏉冮噸鍜屽喅绛栫粨鏋? 閫氳繃瀵瑰祵鍏ュ紡璁$畻鏈虹殑鎬ц兘璇 浠疯〃鏄庝簡璇ユ柟娉曠殑鍙鎬т笌瀹炵敤鎬? 鍏抽敭璇岤 缇ゅ喅绛栵紱鏉冮噸璋冩暣锛涚伆鑹茬郴缁熺悊璁猴紱鐏拌壊鍏宠仈 涓浘鍒嗙被鍙耳 TP391 鏂囩尞鏍囪瘑鐮? A Algorithm for adjusting weights of decision-makers in multi-attribute group decision-making based on grey system theory ZHOU Yan-nian, ZHU Yi-an (School of Computer Sciences锛孨orthwestern Polytechnical University 锛孹i鈥檃n 710072 锛孋hina. Correspondent 锛歓HOU Yan-nian 锛孍-mail 锛歾houyannian@) Abstract: The problem of adjusting the weights of decision-makers in multi-attribute group decision-making is studied. An algorithm of weight-adjusting is proposed on the basis of obtaining the subjective weights of decision-makers. The objective weights of decision-makers are calculated by the grey correlation degree between the decision results of the individual and the group and combining with the initial weight. The objective weights are taken as the value of adjusting-weight to adjust the weights of decision-makers. The result is calculated after the adjustment, and the weight-adjusting is continued on the basis of the new result. The steady weights and 铿乶al result of group decision-making are calculated after the process of adjustment. Finally, a numerical example to evaluate the embedded computer shows the feasibility and practicability of



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