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27 4 V ol . 27, No . 4 2007 8 Bulletin of So il and Water Co nserv atio n A ug . , 2007 陈剑 桥 , 4300 10) : , , GPS , , , , 1) , ; 2) , ; 3) , , ; 4) , / 0 : ; ; ; ; GP S : B : 1000) 288X 2007) 04) 0015) 0 3 : S 157 , X85 LidarApplication to Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring CH EN Jian- qiao (Monitoring Center Station of Soil and Water Conservation, the Water Conserv ancy Comitteeof Yangtze Riv er , Wuhan, H ubei 4300 10, China) Abstract: A iming at so il and w ater conserv at ion mo nit oring in developm ent and const ruct ion project s, a new scheme t hat u ses advantag es of lidar and D GP S is present ed f or t he applicat ion t o realit y. Some g ood eff ect s of t he scheme have been observed. It is pro ved t hat t he schem e is a scientif ic and highly ef fect ive met ho d, and t hus can be widely used in dev elo pm ent and const ruct ion projects at present. In addit ion , it s m easure- m ent precision is m uch finer t han t radit ional met ho ds, and it is mor e r eal and mo re credible. T he schem e can ex quisit ely ref lect t he change in shape of dregs field; easily realize t he t hree dim ensional modeling; truly r eal- iz e t he non- cont act measurement ; g reat ly reduce f ield w orkload and t he risk. M or eov er, the scheme is able t o measure so il erosion of many f orm s, such as excavated slo pe, collap sed hill, and mo unt ain la



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