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摘 要 回柱绞车是金属、化工和建筑材料等矿山最常用的运输设备。在我国地下开采的各种矿产中,约有85%的矿场使用回柱绞车搬运矿物。在中小型露天矿的开采过程中,通常用来进行剥离、集矿、掘沟和复田等作业。 随着我国中小型矿山的快速发展,矿区对回柱绞车的需求量是不断增加。目前,据回柱绞车的主要生产厂不完全统计,年产量已接近2000台。实践证明,回柱绞车是一种经济实用,适应性强,安全可靠的矿场运输设备,其使用范围还在继续扩大。 JH-30型回柱绞车具有良好的防暴性和制动性,而且容绳量大,使用寿命长,传动效率高,绞车本身结构紧凑,外形尺寸较小,基本能够实现整机下井。结构对称布置,呈长条形,底座呈船形,在各类矿井下自移平稳方便。绞车重心低,底座刚性好,可打顶柱,又可安装地桩,运转平稳,安全可靠,操作力小。 JH-30型回柱绞车主要由电动机,联轴器,手动制动闸,减速器和卷筒组成。通过左右手动闸的松开和抱紧来实现绞车的进程和回程,不需要电机的频繁起停。同时,也实现了对绞车的软启动,减轻了绞车的启动负载,可以在电机不停的情况下进行收绳和放绳。 关键词:回柱绞车 ;软启动 Abstract:Prop winch is a metal, chemical and building materials such as mine the most commonly used transport equipment. Underground mining in various minerals in China, about 85% of the mine prop used mineral handling winch. In the small open pit mining process is usually used for dissection, set mine, digging ditches and complex field and other operations. With the rapid development of Chinas small mines, mine winch on the back pillar demand is increasing. Currently, according to prop the main production plant winch to incomplete statistics, annual production of close to 2,000. Practice shows that prop winch is an economical and practical, adaptable, safe and reliable mine transport equipment, its use continues to expand. JH-30 Hoist a good riot and braking, but also large rope capacity, long life, high transmission efficiency, winch itself, compact structure, small size, the basic machine to go down can be achieved. Symmetrical layout of the structure, elongated strip, the base was boat-shaped, since the shift in the types of mine to facilitate smooth. Winch low center of gravity, base rigidity, and can hit the top columns, but also to pile installation, smooth operation, safety and reliability, the operating force. JH-30 Hoist mainly by the motor, coupling, manual brake, speed reducer and reel form. Through the left hand gate winch release and hold fast to implement the process and return, do not need to frequent starts and stops the motor. Also realized the winch of the soft-start, sta


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