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Animals 动物 Dòng wù Pets [chǒng wù] 宠物 Cat [māo] 猫 Dog [gǒu] 狗 Goldfish [jīn yú] 金鱼 Mouse [lǎo shǔ] 老鼠 Rat/mouse [shǔ] 鼠 Rabbit [tù zi] 兔子 What is this? Zhè shì shén me? 1. 2. 3. 4. Farm Animals [jiā chù] 家畜 Bull/ox/cow [niú] 牛 Cow [mǔ niú] 母牛 Chicken [jī] 鸡 Duck [yā zi] 鸭子 Horse [mǎ] 马 Pig [zhū] 猪 Sheep [mián yáng] 绵羊 What is this? Zhè shì shén me? 1. 2. 3. 4. Wild Animals [yě shēng dòng wù] 野生动物 Elephant [dà xiàng] 大象 Tiger [lǎo hǔ] 老虎 Lion [shī zi] 狮子 Wolf [láng] 狼 Giraffe [cháng jǐng lù] 长颈鹿 Monkey [hóu zi] 猴子 Bear [xióng] 熊 Polar bear [běi jí xiónɡ] 北极熊 Panda bear [xióng māo] 熊猫 What is this? Zhè shì shén me? 1. 2. 3. 4. Birds [niǎo] 鸟 Bird [niǎo] 鸟 Crow [wū yā] 乌鸦 Owl [māo tóu yīng] 猫头鹰 Penguin [qǐ é] 企鹅 Robin [zhī gēng niǎo] 知更鸟 Fish [yú] 鱼 Fish [yú] 鱼 Octopus [zhāng yú] 章魚 Shark [shā yú] 鲨鱼 Tiger shark [hǔ shā] 虎鲨 Reptiles/Amphibians 爬行动物/两栖动物 pá xíng dòng wù/liǎng qī dòng wù Crocodile [è yú] 鳄鱼 Frog [qīng wā] 青蛙 Snake [shé] 蛇 Turtle [guī] 龟 Insects 昆虫 [kūn chóng] bee [mì fēng] 蜜蜂 butterfly [hú dié] 蝴蝶 caterpillar [máo chóng] 毛虫 fly [cāng ying] 苍蝇 mosquito [wén zi] 蚊子 spider [zhī zhū] 蜘蛛 Others 其它 [qí tā] Snail 蜗牛 [wō niú] Sample Questions for Playing Guess Who Can it fly? Tā huì fēi ma? Does it live in the water? Tā huó zài shuǐ lǐ ma? Does it have 2 legs? Tā yǒu liǎng tiáo tuǐ ma? Is it big? Tā hěn dà ma? Is it small? Ta hěn xiǎo ma? Is it (insert color)? Ta shì _____ de ma? Is its mouth open? Tā de zuǐ shì zhāng kāi de ma? Can you see its teeth/tongue? Nǐ néng kàn dào tā de yá /shé táo ma? Is it a ____? Ta shì ____ ma? * To answer: This is… Zhè shì… Or It is… Tā shì… To answer: This is… Zhè shì… Or It is… Tā shì… To answer: This is… Zhè shì… Or It is… Tā shì…


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