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Slide 22. Categories of MM Patients with indolent MM are asymptomatic. They have an M protein and increased numbers of plasma cells in the bone marrow and may also have mild anemia or a few bone lesions. Patients with indolent MM are monitored every 3 months and are treated if their disease begins to progress Patients who present with symptoms typically have an M protein and increased numbers of plasma cells in the bone marrow. Additionally, they have anemia, kidney failure, increased levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia), or bone lesions. Patients with symptomatic MM require immediate treatment Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. Available at: * * * The diagram I showed earlier is really an oversimplification of a much more elegant process. Proteasome inhibition results in many more effects that are detrimental to cancer growth. It inhibits adhesion molecules It results in apoptosis and Increased chemo sensitivity It inhibits angiogensis and multi-drug resistance It inhibits cytokine mediated interactions * The diagram I showed earlier is really an oversimplification of a much more elegant process. Proteasome inhibition results in many more effects that are detrimental to cancer growth. It inhibits adhesion molecules It results in apoptosis and Increased chemo sensitivity It inhibits angiogensis and multi-drug resistance It inhibits cytokine mediated interactions * 来那度胺 Lenalidomide 来那度胺是一种适用于治疗复发性或难治性多发性骨髓瘤的免疫调节复合物1,2 Lenalidomide is an immunomodulatory compound indicated for the treatment of relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (MM)1,2 References Breitkreutz I, Raab MS, Vallet S, et al. Lenalidomide inhibits osteoclastogenesis, survival factors and bone-remodeling markers in multiple myeloma. Leukemia. 2008;22:1925-1932. Verhelle D, Corral LG, Wong K, et al. Lenalidomide and CC-4047 inhibit the proliferation of malignant B cells while expanding normal CD34+ progenitor cells. Cancer Res. 2007;67:746-755. * 来那度胺能减轻骨髓瘤细胞的负荷 Lenali


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