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2006 6 () Jun. , 2006 20 2 Journal of Nanchang Institute ofAeronauticalTechnology(Natural Science) Vo.l 20 No. 2 (天津大学管理学院, 天津 300072 ) [] ; ; ; [ ] , , , , , [] F012 [] A [] 1001 4926( 2006) 02 0017 05 R esearch on the relation of the gray industrial clustering and forecast m od el and its app lication in the Shenzhen com ponen t stock index X IONG Y i m ing (The school of M anagem ent of T ianj in University, Tianj in, 300072, China) K ey w ord s : system s engineering theory; gray trend; relational grade; gray clustering forecast A bstrac t: Based the gray trend relational degree and system s engineering theory, them odel of gray trend relational system is investiga ted. A s an application of thismodel, the gray trend clusteringm ethod is presented. Tak ing the Shenzhen com ponent stock index as the sam ple, various industries are clustered by gray trend clustering m ethod, and the clustering resu lt accordsw ith index wave fact. It show s that the gray trend clustering foecast m ethod is valid, conven ient and practical. ( Grey System Theory) 20 80 1981 1982 , , , ( Brockett), , , , (W RA shby) ( Black Box), , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , [] 2006 05 05 [] , , 18 () , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , t, , , , ( k= 1, 2, , n), , a , , , ( k= 1, 2, ) k+ 1 , , , , , , , , , () 1 , , , , , , , , , , , ,


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