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中国环境科学 2010,30(3) :389~394 China Environmental Science 太湖梅梁湾岸边带底泥中重金属的形态与分布 刘红磊 1,尹澄清 2*,唐运平 1 (1.天津市环境保护科学研究院,天津 300191 ;2. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085) 摘要:选择太湖梅梁湾一处没有外源污染并具有藻类富集特征的岸边带进行了底泥中重金属形态与分布的研究.结果表明,Cu, Ni 和 Zn 在 水位变幅区及水向辐射区均有一定程度的富集;Cr 和 Pb 则在水向辐射区有所富集(富集系数1).岸边带底泥中这 5 种重金属的惰性形态百 分率均显著低于开阔水体底泥,其中惰性态 Ni 在岸边带和开阔水体底泥中的含量分别为 30.68%±0.56%和 34.67%±2.72%,惰性态 Pb 则分 别为 25.45%±3.82%和 34.17%±0.85%.重金属在岸边带底泥中的惰性形态含量低,说明其活性形态含量高,易于向上层水体迁移.藻类捕获型 岸边带底泥中除了少量重金属会向上层水体释放外,总体可以作为湖泊重金属的汇. 关键词:重金属;富集系数;形态;底泥;岸边带 中图分类号:X524 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-6923(2010)03-0389-06 Distribution and speciation of heavy metals in sediments at a littoral zone of Meiliang Bay of Taihu Lake. LIU 1 2* 1 Hong-lei , YIN Cheng-qing , TANG Yun-ping (1.Tianjin Academy of Environmental Science, Tianjin 300191, China; 2.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China). China Environmental Science, 2010,30(3):389~394 Abstract :The forms, contents and distribution patterns of 5 heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) were surveyed at a lake shore of Meiliang Bay, Taihu Lake, China. This area was characterized by algal enrichment and no allochthonous pollutant input. Cu, Ni and Zn were enriched in sediment samples at both eulittoral and infralittoral subzones, while Cr and Pb were only enriched in the infralittoral subzone (enrichment factor 1). The residual form fractions of all 5 heavy metals in sediments of the littoral subzones were lower than those of the profundal subzone. The residual Ni fraction in the littoral subzone sediments was 30.68%±0.56% and was 34.67%±2.72% in that of the profundal subzone. The residual Pb fraction was 25.45%±3.82% in the littoral subzone sediments and was 34.17%±0.85% in that of profundal subzone. Less residual


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