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清华-布鲁金斯公共政策研究中心 BROOKINGS-TSINGHUA CENTER FOR PUBLIC POLICY 人口老龄化与养老金制度研讨会 ——澳大利亚模式的比较与借鉴 时间:2013 年5 月15 日13:00-16:00 地点:清华大学公共管理学院302 会议室 王丰:Good afternoon. My name is Wang Feng, I’m a senior fellow and the director of the Brookings –Tsinghua Center. Today we are delighted to host this very special workshop, with three purposes. Before I start, I want to introduce Professor Yang Yansui, who is a professor here at the School of Public Policy and Management. Yang Yansui is also the director of the Aging Research Center here, and she is one of the top national experts here doing pension research and aging research in China. And also here we have other guests, which I will just take a few minutes to highlight. The three purposes here this afternoon, the first is to welcome Lu Bei to return to Tsinghua University, clearly Tsinghua University has left a deep impression on her, although she didn’t know we are located in this building(laughter). But the two substantive, large purposes are first, we want to use this opportunity to hear a presentation on one version of China’s social pension fund, and that’s the first half hour of our program. And then the other purpose is really to have this opportunity to network between visiting Australian colleagues from CEPAR, this is a nation-wide center in 中国北京清华大学公共管理学院100084 电话:+86-10-6279-7363 传真:+86-10-6279-7659 电邮:brookings@ /about/centers/brookings-tsinghua Australia on aging societies, and we are delighted to have Professor John Piggott, and his colleagues Lu Bei, Elisabetta Magnani, and also Rafal Chomik , welcome. Today in addition to Professor Yang Yansui and her research team, graduate students and colleagues, we also have a number of colleagues from other important institutions who all have interests in public



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