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# 830# 2010 9 19 9 Chin J G ast oente o lH epato l, Sep 2010, V o l119, N o1 9 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 张月宁 , 孟灵梅 , 金新莲 , 闫秀娥 , 耿秋明, 彭佳柔, 周丽雅 , 林三仁 北京大学第三医院 1. 化科; 2. 中心实验室, 北京 100083; 3. 北京大学医学部蛋白质组学国家重点实验室 = 2006 8~ 2008 5 , PBS( pH 11. 0) 20 , , ( P 0. 001) 78. 5 AU , 80. 4% , 77. 4% , ( 80. 4% vs 8115% , P = 0. 07), ( 77. 4% vs 7 1. 7% , P = 0. 02) , , = ; ; : R 735. 2; R 573. 9 : A : 1006- 5709( 2010) 09- 0830- 04 : 20 10-04-18 The diagnostic value of gastric juice autofluorescence spectrum in gastric carcinom a with a stand- ardized detectingm ethod 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 ZHANG Yuen ing , MENG Lingm e i, J IN X in lian , YAN X iu . e , GENG Q ium ing , PENG Jia ou , ZHOU L iya , LI 1 N San en 1. Depa tm ent of Gast oente o logy; 2. C ent al Labo to y, the T h id H osp ita l of Pek ing U nive sity, Beijing 100083; 3. S tate Key L abo ato y of P o teom ics, theM ed ical Depa tm ent of P ek ing Un ive sity, Ch ina =Abstract Objective T o evaluate the d iagnostic value of gast ic ju ice autofluo escence spect um in gast ic ca c ino- m a w ith a standa d ized detecting m ethod. M ethods Gast ic ju ice w as co llected f om patients w ith d iffe ent gast ic dis- eases unde go ing gast oscope in ou hosp ita l f om August 2006 to M ay 2008. Gast ic juicew as cent ifuged, then diluted to 1B20 w ith PBS so lution ( pH 11. 0). T he autofluo escence spect um of gast ic ju icew as detected and d iffe ent f luo es- cence peaks we e sta tistically ana lyzed. Results Au tofluo escence spect um of gast ic ju ice w as sign ificantly d iffe ent betw een gast ic cance and gast ic benign d iseases (P 0. 001) . T


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