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新媒体环境下体育新闻中“刻奇现象”的成因与影响研究 基金项目:2014年度国家社会科学基金项目《中国体育传播法学理论体系研究》(项目编号:14BTY005) 作者简介:陆子豪(1992—),男,江苏南京人,硕士生,研究方向:体育文化传播。 摘要:“刻奇现象”是指人为地过多赋予事情或物件某种特殊意义的行为。随着数字化信息传播技术的日益发展,“刻奇现象”在体育新闻中时常发生。本文采用观察法、文献资料法,指出“刻奇现象”在体育新闻中的三点表现,一是体育明星被媒体和公众过度关注,常被赋予过多意义;二是媒体肆意发布、公众热衷转发带有夸张、煽情等标题的文章;三是该现象可能以网络暴力及道德绑架的形式呈现。本文还从媒体、受众、社会三个层面对体育新闻中“刻奇现象”的成因进行分析,并归纳出体育新闻中“刻奇现象”的四点影响,即“刻奇现象”能在一定程度上丰富人们的精神生活;对体育运动的发展具有推动作用;常导致体育新闻事件出现误读情况,与媒体的宣传初衷相违背;容易加重网络暴力及道德绑架行为,从而破坏互联网舆论环境。这旨在引发人们对存在于社会方方面面的“刻奇现象”的关注与思考。 关键词:体育新闻;刻奇现象;网络暴力;道德绑架 中图分类号: 文献标识码:A 文章编号: a Study on the Causes and Effects of Phenomenon of Kitsch in Sports News under New Media Environment LU Zi-hao (Department of Physical Education, Nanjing Sport Institute, Nanjing 210014, China) Abstract: Phenomenon of kitsch refers to artificially too much to give things or objects of a special significance of the act. With the development of digital technology, phenomenon of kitsch in sports news often occurs. The paper points out the three performance of phenomenon of kitsch in sports news by observing and documenting. Above all, the media and the public pay too much attention to sports stars, often give them too much meanings. Moreover, the media published exaggerated, sensational articles, the public forwarded these articles. Finally, it may present a form of cyber-violence and moral abduction. This paper analyzes the causes of phenomenon of kitsch in sports news from three aspects: media, audience and society, and concludes the four effects of phenomenon of kitsch in sports news. First of all, phenomenon of kitsch can enrich peoples spiritual life. Secondly, it has a role in promoting the development of sports. Furthermore, it often leads to misreading of sports news events. Eventually, it is easy to aggravate cyber-violence and moral abduction, thus undermining the environment of Internet public opinion. The purpose of the paper is to make people draw attention to phenomenon of kitsch existing in all aspects of society. Key


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